Monday August 28th

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I woke up at 6 and went to PT. I walked in and Dr. Hooker took me back to get x-rays and MRIs.

Hooker: well you're x-rays look fine, I see no problems. It'll be around 2:30 when I get your MRI results so until then let's get your brace set.

Setting my brace was just as bad as yesterday. I was free to go and went to soccer. We stretched for 30 minutes and then had options of our recovery. I took an ice bath and then went to meet Kiley and Mac for breakfast.

Mac: congrats on your goals
Me: thank you, I didn't miss anything in cheer, did I?
Kiley: no, we just worked on stunts and tumbling
Me: good, how is practice for you, Mac?
Mac: it's a lot of technical drills and fitness but overall pretty good.

We talked for a while and then Mac had a 9:30 class so Kiley and I went to my apartment. We watched Netflix until the boys showed up.

Justin: well it's 9:40 and none of us have class until 1:30 so what do we want to do
Brad: I vote nap and do lunch at 12:30ish
Me: I second
Kiley: fine with me
Justin: nap it is

We all laid in my bed and I put on a movie but we all fell asleep quickly. Our alarms went off at 12:30 and we got up. I fed Duke and then the 4 of us went to eat. After we finished Brad, Kylie, and I went to chemistry, while Justin went to research media. Our professor said all homework would be done online and a test would be every other Monday. For the rest of class, he lectured, and Brad took our notes. Once 2:30 hit we left and walked to Biology. Biology was 3-5 and then Brad and I went back to my apartment. Around 6 Hope called.

Me: hey Hope
Hope: hey Baby Horse, how's your day been?
Me: good, I am just about to go the training room to get my MRI results
Hope: did you get X-rays?
Me: yeah, they didn't show anything
Hope: well hopefully it's not serious
Me: hopefully
Hope: and what time is cheer?
Me: 8
Hope: well let me know what your results are
Me: I will
Hope: okay bye SB
Me: bye mama

Once I hung up with Hope. Brad and I went to the training room. Dr. Hooker led us back to his office.

Hooker: so, after seeing your MRI results we believe we have found the problem. With all of the swelling gone, it now shows that one of your tendons is caught on one of the plates.
Me: how is that fixed?
Hooker: the only thing is to surgically go in and move it
Me: how long would I be out?
Hooker: well if we can get it done tomorrow then you should be able to cheer on Saturday
Me: we play Auburn on Friday
Hooker: it would be pushing it but I think it could happen
Me: alright then let's do it
Hooker: well I'll call Dr. Sloan and then let you know
Me: okay thank you

Brad and I left and then I went to cheer with Kiley. We practiced stunts and went over dances and cheers. We finished at 10 and then I got a call from Dr. Hooker.

Hooker: Savannah, Dr. Sloan wants to do the surgery at 7 tomorrow morning. I have already let Anson know
Me: alright thank you
Hooker: be there at 5:30 and good luck
Me: thank you

I hung up with him and then called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: so, the MRI showed that one of the tendons is caught on the plates
Hope: does that require surgery?
Me: a small one. Dr. Sloan is doing it tomorrow morning at 7.
Hope: what
Me: yeah, Anson knows and Brad is excused from football, so he can take me. Dawn also knows and has been sent MRIs and X-rays
Hope: well I hope everything goes alright
Me: I'm sure it will
Hope: how long are you out?
Me: I should be able to play on Friday
Hope: oh good, well it's late there so I'll let you go
Me: alright, good night mama
Hope: good night SB, I love you
Me: I love you too

I hung up with Hope and then Brad and I got ready for bed. After a Grey's Anatomy episode, we fell asleep around 12:30. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 9Where stories live. Discover now