The Alchemist

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I rid myself of the absence I feel by drowning my thoughts away,

Underwater I feel the hands that keep me below, like an anchor attached to a lost shore,

My ears are filled but I can hear silent echoes of you calling my name over and over again,

But the more I listen, the more you drift away as I take my final breath and succumb to my surroundings.

In another timeline I stand alone in a room with familiar walls,

I bleach away the unneeded items and find that I have destroyed myself with the liquid I've brought to dissolve you,

Why must this always turn on me?

I'm underground in a glass box that's opaque and invisible,

I do not know where it ends, but it begins at the sky and reaches the depths of hell,

It's hot down here, boiling rotten decay that no
longer breathe in your air,

They don't need you,
They're already gone.

The box incloses me with nothing but the thoughts I drowned before,

I am left soundless in my own grave, waiting for God to have mercy on me,

To save my soul and put me to rest once more.

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