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The rain outside hides my perception
Of the outside world. It is gloomy,
Like no other. And damp, drenched
In the burden of sorrow. I can't seem to
Open my eyes to new horizons. Because the
Sun sets too soon for me to see the light. And
I fail to appreciate the days that pass by. The
World isn't as vibrant as I thought it was. It's
Gray like the clouds in the sky. It brings
Misery in endless waves like the clouds. I
Can never forgive the world for the amount
Of despair it has caused me. I dare to stare
At the sun for an inking of the warmth
That should exist within my soul. But my eyes
Are scorched by the radiance of the celestial being
That I wish would shine its light on me. I want
Its glow to fill my hollow being and make me
Bright again. To turn me into something beautiful
To scare off the darkness that lives inside of me.
But the sun ignores my pleas once again. And I am
Desperate for inner illumination. I feel the rain washing over me. I feel overwhelmed. I feel weighed down by the dewy drops that cover me now. The
One thing that can save me has abandoned
Me. Leaving me to drown in a perpetual storm.

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