Dream Crush

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About a world of my own,

Created in the depths of my home,
A sanctuary of light,
In a world so cold at night,

A personal paradise always accessible,
I pride myself in the fake and irrational,
As the earth around me fades gray,
I turn to my oasis for a place to stay,

Shrouded in the fog of my surroundings,
My world shall never see the light of day,
But I find myself sinking deeper away,
And so I pray,

That maybe I should be rescued,
From my dream crush;
An expensive excursion unknown,
So remote and flush,

But a sudden rush,
Of fear and emotion silences me,
And hinders me from admitting,
That perhaps my paradise is a purgatory,

And so I've digressed,
But I remain forever still,
In the scenes I repress,
And the fantasies I fill,

About a world of my own.

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