-I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore-

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"Hello?" I answered the phone, I was woken up by the sound of my phone. I didn't bother to check the caller id. 

J-  "Shey we have to talk!" 

S- "Jake why are you calling me this early?" 

J- "Shey listen, what I'm about to tell you I don't want you to freak out." 

S- "Fine." 

J- "Wait where have you been I've been calling you for like an hour."

S- "I had a nap, now get to the point."  

J- "Right sorry, anyways Logan was on the phone with a doctor." 

S- "And?"

J- "Shey, don't freak out. Logan was on the phone with your doctor, I overheard them talking and Logan offered him a hefty amount of money." 

S- "What does this have to do with me?" 

J- "L-logan paid the doctor to keep him quiet, Logan is the father of your child Shey." 

     I hung up the phone as quick I could, I dialed the number and waited. "Pick up," I said under my breath.  "Hello?" Pam said from the other side of the line. "Hi, Pam." She gasps. "Shey I haven't heard from you in forever." She spoke softly.  "I know," I said, "What can I do for you." I signed. "Well I'm pregnant with Logan's child and I was told he paid off the doctor to keep quiet about." Silence. "He's a dead man," Pam said sounding angry.  "LOGAN!" I heard Pam scream, I've never heard her scream before. "Yeah?" Logan said sounding confused.  I stayed quiet so I could hear them but I didn't have to listen hard because Pam was yelling. "How could you?" She asked sounding like she was going to cry. "How could I what?" The phone shuffled. "You paid the doctor off to keep quiet about Shey's baby, why?" Logan gasped. "Who told you?" I could hear Pam getting mad. "Shey did." Silence. I hung up the phone I couldn't do this anymore.  

     I need to leave, I have to get away from all of this I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't wanna deal with the drama. I need to live in peace. 


Will Shey come back to LA? Will she ever see Logan again? 

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