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*Skip 4 months*

"Babe it's your turn," I told Logan, he sighed that's my queue. I got up out of bed, walking down the hall to the kid's room. I picked up, Bridget out of her crib and looked over at Xander he was peacefully asleep, I walked to the chair in the corner trying to calm down Bridget. After a couple of minutes, she had finally fallen back asleep. I walked back into logan and I's bedroom, I walked out on to the balcony admiring the sky.

I started to doze off as I stood out on the balcony, I walked slowly back into the bed when I heard one of the twins starting to get up, their precise giggles filled my ears. I smiled, walking back to their room. I saw Xander standing up laughing, I giggled picking him up to let his sister sleep, I walked downstairs and place Xander in his high chair. I started to feed him when I heard someone come down the stairs. "I'm sorry if the twins woke you up," I said as Evan came down the stairs, he laughed. "Don't worry I invested in noise canceling headphones." I laughed as I continued to feed Xander I picked him up out of his highchair cleaning him.

I sighed as I sat down on the couch turning the tv on to Xanders favorite show. I looked to Xander as he crawled on to me as I slowly started to lay down with him. We both watched, Xander laughing at everything, I smiled and kissed his cheek, he yawned. His little head started to fall as he tried to say awake, I slowly traced my fingers around his tiny ears and he drifted off. As I slowly started to fall asleep, I was awaked by one of the many toys the kids had, I looked over to see Bridget playing with Xander and Logan sat at the end of the couch watching the kids.

Next day...

   I sighed nodding as Logan left he was on his way to another plane to go somewhere and he was hush hush about it. "I guess it's just us guys." I said walking back to the twins. They were playing so I decided to watch some tv, being the "adult" I am I randomly found a news channel and started to watch, they went over the weather and sports. "We've been informed that there is a two car crash on the 405, I rolled my eyes there's always crashes on the 405. "3 people have hospitalized due to critical conditions." They cut to a over to a view of the accident; it's tragic really to this kind of thing happen, it's truly an eye opener. I heard yelling from outside, I checked it out.

Later that day...

   Logan stood in the back yard, I was confused he just left like 2 hours ago why is he back? "Shey!" Logan said, running up to me and hugging me, he let go and I pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Logan I thought you were leaving?" I said confused I looked to my feet. "I did." He said simply I nodded walking back into the house, Xander crawled over to me, I picked him up resting him on my chest. I stroked softly at the little hair he had, it's hard to believe it took me 9 months to form these little guys. Life can come and can be taken away so quickly, I know logan loves to do these crazy things all the time, but it's scary because what if he happens to pass away. I try and shove those thoughts down deep but the accident on the news got me thinking a lot.

   One of us could die tomorrow? Ugh life is such a bore, but what happens after we die? Do we relive everything? If we did I don't think I would want to change anything. I'm happy in my life for once, Logan and I have been going steady, I think me being pregnant opened his eyes that it was time to settle down. It was time to stop the game; we still argue but they don't end like the use to, he doesn't same stupid stuff to make me want to leave. He try's to calm me down, it isn't easy being a stay at home mom, everyone makes it look easy! It isn't, it's hard and stressful especially with twins, when one is hungry the other one is tired, when one needs to be changed the other wants to play, it's just a big game.

    I feel asleep with Xander on my chest, he was crying. I assumed logan took Bridget upstairs, I walked into the kitchen with Xander on my hip, while grabbing a bottle from the fridge. As Xander slowly started to dose off I heard cries come from upstairs. I heard feet shuffling then silence. I walked upstairs to see logan feel asleep in the chair in the twins room. I set Xander down in his crib and took the wide awake Bridget out of her dads arms, I changed Bridget and put her back to bed. "Logan," I whispered, I shifted. "Hmmm?" He said his eyes still closed. "Let's go to bed." I said, I checked to see if I woke up to twins, Logan rised from the chair and walked sluggishly back to bed, I followed close behind and watched as he clasped onto the bed, I giggled. As I was crawling into the bed logan grabbed my waist pulling me towards him, he kept groaning under his breath, I turned around to face him. He was dead asleep, his lips parted, opening a little. I smiled knowing he was dreaming of me, or at least I hope he was. I can't control his dream. I stroked his forearm that was wrapped around me. His eyes fluttered open. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't-" I was cut off by his lips coming into contact with mine, I smiled as he pulled away. I was craving more of his touch, "I love you." He said resting his head in my stomach, I brushed my finger through his hair. "I love you too." I drifted away into a deep sleep.

Anyone else listing to X's new album? What's ur favorite song? Mines SAD!

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