-Dead Pt.2-

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Logan's P.O.V

I know i have truly fucked up, ever having a chance with Shey ever again. Last night was probably one of the worst nights ever, Shey threw the ring at me. I was depressed and called Chloe. I know i shouldn't have but i couldn't resist, I regret everything i have put Shey through. This whole relationship has been a lie. I purposely only wanted to date her because of her looks, i was an asshole and realized i was slowly falling for her.     

     She use to spend the night. Wide awake beside me, I wonder if she thought about what I thought about? The what-ifs about our relationship, the ups, and downs we had. We always managed through a tough spot in our relationship. They said we wouldn't last, but no there is only one thing in my way. That is her! She is in my way, we haven't been together for all our lives I don't expect her to understand, but simply me saying three little words could change that...  

     I don't expect Shey to take me back for obvious reasons. I don't what I'm going to do!  

  Shey's P.O.V 

I was with going to stay with Cameron back in New Jersey to get the hell away from L.A! I thought about it a lot and being out in Jersey will be good for me its away from all this drama, L.A holds. 

   I get off my plane from L.A and i walked to the baggage claim and i saw Cameron holding a sign with my name on it laughed and ran up to her pulling her into a hug. "Cam its been so long." I joked, she rolled her eyes at me. "Come on let's go!" I picked up my bags and ran after Cameron, we hopped in her car and started going through the city and it was beautiful. We pulled out of the city into a more woods like, subdivision.  My gaze ran along with every tree we passed, we stopped Cameron slowly pulled into a long driveway, she crept up the driveway and past the tree was a giant house. My mouth flung open, "Close your mouth you'll start to catch flies."  Cam said i rolled my eyes laughing. 

   "Shey!" Lisa said running down the stairs as i entered the fairly big house, i hugged Lisa as she ran into my arms laughing. "You came just in time, Sean will be home with the twins any minute." I smiled politely I've only met the twins a couple of times, at Kian and Jc's old place. So I was wondering how they would react, Cameron showed me where i would be staying for however long. I placed my things down and looked around, Cam said her room was just down the hall and pointed to the room at the end of the hall. I nodded and wondered hows room was beside mine? I started to unpack when i heard the Seans voice echo through the house, i ignored it and bent down to my suitcase. 

    I felt i a pair of eyes on me so I looked through my legs to see Ethan standing in the door frame.  I quickly jolted up collecting myself and Ethan laughed. He walked away, i peeked out the door and watched him walk into the room beside mine, as he opened to door he looked over at me and winked.  

   Later that night Lisa suggested to go out for dinner i stayed in my room, seeing as she waiting it to be just her and her family, so i thought. "Shey?" I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I sat up on my bed and Grayson popped his head and shook his head. "Why aren't you ready were leaving soon." I gasped, i didn't know what to say. "Oh! I didn't want to intrude on your family dinner!" I said quickly he laughed. "Well get changed and get your ass downstairs." I nodded and quickly got ready. I slipped on a dress and heels and did minimal makeup as i stepped out of my room I looked over to Ethan and Grayson arguing. Ethan didn't look like he wanted to go either. They both looked over at me and Ethan whispered something to Grayson. "Thank you," Grayson said to Ethan as he disappeared back into his room. "Ready?" Grayson,  I nodded as i followed Grayson downstairs. He leads me to a black BMW, he nodded towards the back of the car so i climbed in, after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence between Grayson and I, Ethan came troughing down the steps and hoped into the car. 

A logan Paul story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now