An Apology

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**please read! Also disclaimer I talk about my personal self through most of this if you don't want to read that it's fine just skip that part but I have an announcement at the end of the paragraph at the very bottom***

     So I'm obviously not the greatest writer and I don't often check my grammar because, I'm more focused on putting out chapters for you guys like there are 9k of you reading this so! I'm sorry I've let most of you down by putting out shitty chapters that don't make any fucking sense! Anyways to adresss the last chapter basically as some of you most know logan had someone break into his home like sometime last week or 2 weeks ago 🤷‍♀️ So I always to try to keep up on what's going on in Logan's vlogs in my story.
    And later on the story I was going to address Shey has Bipolar Disorder, and this was manly for closure because I found out I have Bipolar Disorder and idk if any of you have dealt with it but because of the meds ive has awful sleep paralysis and hallucinations idk if it's just me and my reaction with the meds but it's scary so anyways I've been staying up late and it's gotten to the point I don't wanna sleep because of the sleep paralysis!!

** announcement****
   Anyways so bare with me please I don't even know what I'm writing anymore but it would mean a lot if you guys could send me youre ideas for the next couple of
Chapters!!!! Thanks!!!!

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