-Miss The Old You-

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"Grayson! Ethan! Get up!" I yelled through Grayson's door, "No!" Grayson yelled back, "Don't make me come in there." I yelled back, "I wouldn't mind that." Ethan said, "Ow." I heard I opened the door to see, Ethan on Grayson's couch rubbing his head, and Grayson was laying on his bed. "Hey," I said walking over to Ethan and sitting down with him. "What are we doing today?" Grayson asked, "We could go to the movies?" I told them, "What time is it?" I looked at the clock, "8:40," I said, Grayson, sighed, "At night?" I nodded, "All you've done today is sleep." He nodded, "I think we should." Ethan said, "Yeah, sure."

"Don't spend it all," I yelled at Grayson, "And what would you like?" Ethan said, "Surprise me!" He nodded then walking off with, Grayson. As I walked to the tables, I noticed some familiar faces, "Lydia? Evan?" I asked. They all looked up, "Shey?" They all said I smiled, "Hey guys!" I said taking a seat, "What are you doing here?" Evan asked, "I'm here with Ethan and Grayson, what about you guys?" I asked, why were they here? "Were reunited!" I laughed, at Brendon's random outburst "Yeah, just like the good old times," Jake said, I froze. I laughed, awkwardly two pairs of strong arms wrapped around me, "Hey Logan." I said slapping his arms, "How did you know?" He asked letting go, "Logan i don't want to talk to you right now." I saw Ethan and Grayson come back. "Guess she's got you whipped huh, Logan?" Grayson laughed, "At least he's got a girlfriend." Ethan laughed walking up to Jake hugging on to him, "I have a girlfriend!" Grayson said getting, defensive. "Yeah well, your hand doesn't count!" I said making everyone laugh, "Shut up," Gray said pushing me playfully. I felt Logan's eyes burning holes into me, i got up and left for outside.

I was sitting on the bench outside when i voice echoed through my thoughts. "This is nice," Logan told me as we sat together. "Yeah, it is nice." He smiled. "I'll be right back." I told him, he looked concerned, "is everything alright?" you nodded getting up, "yeah just need to use the washroom is all." He shook his head, then started to look down.

"Shey?" Lydia yelled as she entered the washroom, where i have been for the past 20 minutes, "In here." I yelled from one of the stalls. "Shey, what's wrong?" She asked tapping the stall door, I flushed the toilet, the opened the door, "I'm fine," she looked at me, "You look really pale and Grayson told Jake you've been throwing up a lot lately." She said glaring at me in the mirror, "I'll tell you like I've told Ethan and Grayson, I've got the stomach virus thing going around." She nodded, "I'm sure." She said sarcastically, "What do you want me to say, Lydia? I've missed my last 5 periods and yes I've been throwing up. Yeah right I'm not pregnant I'm just sick" She smiled. "Do you think your, you know pregnant?" She whispered the last part, "I went to the doctor to make sure and he said no, I've got the stomach virus thing that's been going around. " She gasped, "You would be a great mom."

"What did I miss?" I asked Ethan, sitting next to him. "Well, I was going to ask you If you would like to sit on the swings with me?" I nodded, we walked to the swings, "What's up?" I asked as he looked down to the ground. "Shey, are-- I mean do you still umm- like Logan?" Ethan choked out, "Of course I guess?" He signed looking up to me, "Well it's just I feel like you haven't been telling me something," he paused, "Listen, I love him, I would never ever hurt him! But he has hurt me" I said getting up and start to pace. "Ahhh!" Someone screamed I fell to the ground, "Ow," I said rubbing my butt as i stood up. "I'm gonna freak out." Logan yelled, and made his way over to us, "Oh no." I said Ethan looked back to me, "Shey!" Logan said as he corned me Jake got in between us and looked up to Logan, "Not now, I'm not ready." Logan looked hurt, but happy, he nodded hugging me but not to tight. Everyone hugged me, "Feel better." Grayson said as he hugged me, I turned to Logan who looked extremely confused, "Logan sit down," he sat down, "What they meant was I'm sick. " I began I couldnt finish the rest I ran off to the bathroom, "Shey?" The Lydia yelled at me. "I can't, I'm gonna be sick." i said to Lydia, "Shey, are you ok?" Ethan said, "Yeah you don't look so good," Grayson said, "Shey?" Jake said coming into the girl's washroom, "he, my best friend my brother is out there confused as hell, he thinks you want to break up like for real, we tried to tell him but he wants to talk to you." Jake said whipping a tear away from my eye. "B-But," I started to say but i was cut off, "No buts go talk to him, he needs to know he's going to become a father." I paused, i knew Lydia told them i was pregnant? "I'm not pregnant." I whispered, "What?" Jake said yelling, "I'm not pregnant!" i yelled back, dead silence filled the room. Jake walked out, I started to cry, "Shey I'm so sorry i just thought you were lying." Lydia said i nodded, "Why?" Ethan questioned, "Because look at her she looks pregnant!" They looked at me wondering if i was, "Don't look at me like that." They all stopped, "IM NOT PREGNANT!" I yelled once again.

Little did they all know was i actually was, that's why i left. I knew if i stayed it would have caused even more drama i know Logan isn't ready to become a father. I wasn't ready to become a mother. We weren't ready...

"Logan, can i talk to you?" I sat down beside him on the bench, it was after the movie and it was now really dark and freezing outside. "I thought you hated me." He scoffed rolling his eyes. "Really?" I let out of a huff of air, i saw my breath form a cloud. "Oh, you must be freezing here," Logan said taking his sweater off. "Thanks." I smiled, what I'm about to tell him could break everything. "Logan..." I started he looked at me, "Yes?" I sighed and mentally prepared. "I'm pregnant." I looked away he didn't freeze he just sat there like i didn't tell him anything. "I know." He says.

It flashed back to me, the day Jake told me Logan paid the doctor to keep quiet. "Why?" I asked a tear sliding down my cheek. "Why what?" Logan questioned, i laughed sarcastically. "Why'd you pay the doctor to tell me Alex was the father?" He looked down and looked upset. "Listen i know what i did was stupid, but you seemed happy with him so i told the doctor to call me first after he got the results in." I looked away, "Why?" I questioned again. "I just tol--" I sighed cutting him off. "No whats the real reason." He inhaled sharply. "Because i was scared," I laughed, "You're scared?" He seemed to ease up. "I never intended to hurt you on purpose, i just thought at the time it would help, i need to get something off my chest," He paused. "Shey I'm being honest. When i first met you i knew Mark would approve of us, because i slept around a lot. So I manipulated myself to think if i settled down for someone who was different from the other girls i would fuck it would make me different, it didn't i made me crave other sex objects so i cheated on since day one. I know that's awful and i never thought i could fall for you but i did. It hurts me to know i still find satisfaction on wanting to cheat but that day in at our wedding i made a vow to never to hurt and i promise i will do everything in my willpower to make it up to and our child." A tear slid down his cheek, i wiped it away wanting nothing more than to kiss him but i could find myself able to.

I ignored all my feelings and trusted my heart and kissed him. I needed to.

A logan Paul story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now