bonus 2 » christmas & scrooge

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B O N U S #2
christmas & scrooge

B O N U S #2christmas & scrooge

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raylee didn't know why it'd be a good idea to call sandra after all these months of not talking to her. the fallout they had was big, but she couldn't lie and say that she didn't miss her. truth was, she missed her too much and hearing her voice made her even more anxious of opening her own mouth up to form words.

"uh, hey," raylee spoke up, chewing on the inside of her mouth.

   "raylee?" she spoke up surprised as if not expecting to hear the voice anytime soon.


the line was silent, and raylee knew sandra hadn't hung up on her yet but she still felt a jab in the stomach.

really, what had she expected? to call her and think that she'd be as enthusiastic and happy as she used to be when they were still best friends? they had both contributed into the way it had turned to be, so she knew it was unfair that she herself took all the blame when most of it wasn't even her fault.

"merry christmas," raylee said into the phone and although it should have been clear, it came out lower than what it was intended.

"oh, merry christmas, ray." her reply was almost like a whisper.

raylee couldn't exactly point it out, but sandra seemed older and sadder than she had last remembered her. one could call it a sixth sense, but she hadn't really been this long away from sandra to not know something was wrong. right now, everything seemed wrong.

the thing was, she hadn't been there for her and that's why she couldn't ask her such a personal question. so she left it at, "how are you doing?"

it broke her heart.

"i am . . . doing."

raylee bit her lip and refrained from blurting out everything.

"do you want to talk about it?"

she sat herself down on the floor, leaning onto her bed while her roommate lucia was out studying with her friends.

raylee liked her roommate and they had gotten pretty close since she was dating esteban. but she hadn't truly become close to her to the point where she didn't feel lonely. she was aware that she had esteban to help her with this, but she couldn't rely on him to help her with everything. besides, she missed talking to sandra about everything.

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