Christmas Miracle

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Johnny's POV: Modern Time Period.

•Sorry if there's grammar mistakes, with my family so kinda hard to check•

"Hey Johnny?" Ponyboy calls my name and I turn to look up at him on the couch.

"Yeah Pone?" I smiled.

"It's almost Christmas," he smiled back.

I looked over and tapped my phones home button, looking over the screen and seeing it was 11:47pm.

"It sure is, I'm excited," he let me continue on,"this was the one holiday my parents actually celebrated with me when I was younger. They didn't hit me, or yell. I remember when I was... 6, my mom hadn't yelled me for two days and my dad didn't come home drunk. My mother had bought me a stuffed teddy bear with a red bow on it. I've kept it ever since. That's the one memory I absolutely love too death."

He gave me a sad smile,"I'm glad you have some good memories."

"Yeah..." I smiled, remembering my other Christmas'.

"I like spending this day with you and your family though, gets me a bubbly feeling inside." He smiles brighter.

"Johnny," he glanced at the time,"I have something to tell you..."

"Go on," I said, already interested to what my crush had to say.

"I... I like you. Like I have a crush on you... I've had it for awhile," he rubbed his hands together nervously.

My heart skipped a beat,"Am I dreaming or is this real?"

"Th-this is real."

"Well Pony, I like you too. I've liked you for awhile too... maybe like I don't know... 4 to 5 years now." He gets up and sits next to me on the floor.

"Soda always told me that I should ask you out but I thought he was just messin'," He chuckles.

I take a look at my phone once again, 11:56pm.

"Oh really?" I reply."Two-Bit always said you had a thing for me but I thought he was just drunk talkin' again."

We both laughed and I took the chance to ruffle his non-greased hair.

My eyes widened,"Whoa, your hair is so soft!" I tangled my fingers in it, giggling like crazy.

Next thing I know, my phone calendar goes off telling me it is now Christmas Day.

"Wanna see a real Christmas Miracle?" I ask, he nods with a puzzled face.

I take his warm, pale face into my hands and lean forward, connecting his lips to mine. It takes a moment for him to figure out what's happening but soon I feel his lips move in sync with mine.

"It's a Christmas Miracle!" A voice shouts while the door slams.

We both jump at the sudden noise and we both whip our heads to see a drunk and stumbling Two-Bit laughing his ass off.

I shrug him off and turn back towards Pony, tackling him in a much more meaningful kiss.

He smiles into the kiss, pulling me into his lap.

All I hear in the background is Two-Bit whooping and laughing while a sleepy Soda wrestles him to the ground to make him shut up.

How's that for a Christmas Miracle? Merry Christmas to all and to all, a goodnight!!!•

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