04.| My Bestfriend My Lover // final

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At night, tzuyu ask permission at her parents that she

will sleep at sana house. they aprroved and tzuyu bid

goodbye. she hug her parents, kiss them and she then

went to sana house.

She knock the door and wait for sana or her parents

to opened it. suddenly the door open revealing sana

bright face seeing her bestfriend. she hug tzuyu.

" are you just hugging me outside? "

" oh haha sorry. come in tzuyu ah. mom, tzuyu here"

" oh tzuyu. how's your day? "

" good aunty. hehe "

" send regards to your mom later okee "

" ok aunty hehe. "

" tzuyu let's eat. "

" eh, okay hehe. "

sana and tzuyu now eat their food. after they done

taking dinner, sana and tzuyu goes to sana room.

when they already at sana room, sana search a cd.

tzuyu just sit at sana bed. she wonder what sana

searching. she then saw sana turn on the music.

" tzuyu ah. do you want to learning dance? i can

teach you, you know? "

" eh? do you know how to dance? O.o "

" yes. "

" well, let me watch first and i will consider if i want

a squirrel to teach me dance heh 😏 "

" yah! im not squirrel 😤 "

" okay okay. bring it on 🙌 "

sana play the song called " partition " by beyonce.

she choose that song when she search for a sexy

song before tzuyu come to her house. the jealousy

she felt make her find that song. she want to be the

one to teach tzuyu. she didn't know why she being

like this. it just happen like that. after she found the

song, she wait for tzuyu to come to her house. and

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