51.| It's okay // final

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i hate herjdjskskbsoaoajdjdsksofkd! ugh

a frustrated squirrel inside the blanket was totally pissed off with tzuyu. yes, she really miss tzuyu since she wish her birthday. but not just that, she always miss her.. EVERYDAY..

she was dissapointed of tzuyu. she didn't reply her text the other day before her birthday. but she understand and she know tzuyu was dissapointed on her too. since that day, they never contact anymore. 

but she was really shock that tzuyu text her and be the one who wish her birthday. tzuyu remember her birthday. the moment she get a message from tzuyu, her heartbeat beat nonstop. and that time too, her girlfriend break up with her. but she didn't mind. mayne they really not mean to be together. and her thoughts was about tzuyu that day. 

such an ego stupid yoda jdkskajdjidosos!

she was really mad now. while cursing about tzuyu, she heard someone knocking on her door. she thought maybe it was her parents. she get up fro. her bed and went downstair to open the door. 

as soon she open the door. 

she was really shocked..

it was not her parents..

it's tzuyu.. 

she saw tzuyu smile at her..

and sana frozed.. 

are you just going to staring at me?

sana still staring at tzuyu. 

until she felt her her forehead get flick by tzuyu..

she rub her forehead and puff her cheek. 


she glare at tzuyu.. 


sana turn around while crossing her arm and still puff her cheek. she then feel tzuyu wrapped her arm around her waist. sana blushing. 

Im sorry if i make you mad earlier. im here rightnow.

she felt tzuyu put her chin on her shoulder while saying that words. sana face reddened. 

Sana. i miss you too. so much. 

sana bit her lips because tzuyu whisper onto her ear. that feelings.... she then felt tzuyu turn her around. sana didn't look at tzuyu, still pouting. 

you so cute you know that? 

Sana look at tzuyu. she glare. 

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