23.| Love each other pt.3

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It was at night. Sana decide to go out with herself and she didn't tell her girlfriend. she just want to refresh her mind. after she done shower, she wear her dress and get her key to drove to the usual place she always go when she want to refresh her mind. it was at the han river.

she drove her to the han river. while she was driving, she can't stop thinking about tzuyu. it was wrong to think her ex when she already have chaeyoung. she was happy with chaeyoung back then but she still think about tzuyu.

tzuyu also went to the han river that night. she already arrived at the han river. she sit and took out her wallet and take out the picture with her and her ex girlfriend. she didn't know why she thinking about the squirrel when she know she don't want to think about the girl anymore. but she can't help it and want to look at the picture. she caress the picture of sana hugging her. she smile hurtly.

" you really happy with your new girlfriend. "

suddenly she felt her tears fall down on her cheek. she sighed and wipe her tears. she put back the picture in her wallet and just look at the view. she look around until she caught seeing someone familiar. and it was sana. sana was walking and was about to sit when suddenly she saw tzuyu. tzuyu look away.

sana saw tzuyu look away. and she wonder why tzuyu was alone. she feel like she want to aproach the girl. and she decide to walk towards tzuyu. tzuyu feel sana beside her. she didn't look at her. she felt nervous. it was the first time they sit together after a year. and it was awkward. sana cough. tzuyu still didn't look at the squirrel.

" is that okay if i sit beside you? "

tzuyu just nodded still didn't look at the squirrel. sana nodded understand. there's a silence between them. sana start to talk.

" why you alone? where is she? "

tzuyu look infront of her and answered.

" i just feel like want to stay alone. "

" oh. "

" how about you? "

tzuyu ask sana. now she look at sana. and sana didn't look back. she feel shy.

" same. i want to refresh my mind. "

" from what? are you fightimg with her? "

" hm nope. hehe we're okay. "

tzuyu nodded didn't ask again. sana start to talk.

" are you happy with her? "

" yeah. im happy "

" um okay "

" how about you? "

" same. "

" good then. i can feel you found someone that can

make you happy. hope she didn't cheat on you "

tzuyu said but she feel hurt with her words. she know she didn't cheat on her. but sana doubt her feelings and call her cheating. tzuyu hold her tears. she thought that they were not meant together.

sana look at tzuyu. she didn't understand what she mean. but she feel like something was wrong with tzuyu words. she start to talk.

" tzuyu ah, are you really cheat on me before? "

sana want to listen on tzuyu explanation. she know it's too late. but she can't help it and want to know from tzuyu. tzuyu shook her head.

" im not cheating on you sana. i swear and the girl

that im holding hand was not my couple when im

with you. im sorry if i holding her hands. but that

time, mina heart broken when someone she love

break up with her. and i just comfort her. that's

what friends for. i don't want her to think about

her ex that time. i know it's wrong to hold her hands

when i have you. but i tell myself that after that

when im back home, i will tell you the true. i don't

want to keep secret from you. but this what happen.

you doubt my feelings. you break up with me. yo-"

tzuyu already shed a tears. and she can't continue her words because she feel hurt thinking about that time. sana regret break up with her and didn't listen on what tzuyu want to explain. she saw tzuyu was crying and she feel hurt seeing her crying. she hold tzuyu face and wipe her tears. she felt like want to cry too because she being a bad girlfriend before.

" im sorry tzuyu ah. im sorry "

sana said while crying. she hug tzuyu and tzuyu cry on sana shoulder. she hug her back. after tzuyu finish crying, they pulled away the hug. tzuyu wipe her tears.

" but it was too late. you already have someone and

same goes to me. "

tzuyu smile sadly. sana shook her head.

" tzuyu ah. do you still love me? "

sana hold tzuyu face while staring at her. tzuyu look down. she don't want to cheat on mina. it was wrong.

" no. "

sana heart shattered on tzuyu answered. it was too late and she nodded understand. she hold her tears. she smile.

" okay. "

tzuyu didn't know if what she said is truly honest. and sometimes she feel regret saying that words. tzuyu start to talk.

" how about you "

" i still love you. that's why im here to refresh my

mind from thinking you. it hurt me. but if you said

that you don't love me. then it's okay. i'll be fine "

sana smile even she was really hurt right now. tzuyu was suprised because of her sana stay out alone. she was happy when sana said she still love her but then she thought about mina. she sighed.

after stay for a while, sana decide to went back home. she get up.

" i'll back home now. "

" um okay. take care. "

" you too "

sana smile and she went to her car. when she get in to her car, she start crying. she hold her chest. she wipe her tears and drove to her house. while tzuyu, she feel hurt too. after she wipe her tears, she went back home.


hm. 😰

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