22.| Love each other pt.2

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it's been a week. tzuyu didn't think about sana since they meet that day. it because she was hurting and she accepted if sana have someone else and happy. beside she have mina now. she have to forget sana. 

but not for sana. since that day, and since tzuyu didn't bother to talk to her or make her like a stranger. she keep thinking tzuyu. she hate what she feel rightnow. until she realise that she still love tzuyu. but ofcourse she didn't told chaeyoung about it. chaeyoung always there beside her when she was hurt and chaeyoung make her happy. but still even she hate tzuyu, even she hate tzuyu cheat on her. sometime she miss her so much. she change her number just because want to forget tzuyu. but she can't. tzuyu always on her mind. and she just keep it inside her heart. 

while chaeyoung, she can't stop thinking about mina. she feel jealous. she now know who sana talk about before she break up with tzuyu. it was mina. and she guess that time she already break up with mina. but sana said tzuyu was happy holding mina hands. and she was curious and getting jealous. she know she have a crush on sana before she accept mina. and she was happy she's with sana now.  but it feels like she hate herself. she can't stop getting jealous when she's the one to break up with mina first. and she confuse with her feeling now. 

mina, she stay with tzuyu right now. they were going out as always. mina didn't ask about that day. she know tzuyu didn't want to talk about it. she have ask her once after watching movies that day. but tzuyu said she don't want her to mention sana name. and mina nodded. mina was happy when tzuyu told her that she love her. she feel loved by tzuyu. and it makes her forgot her feelings with chaeyoung. chaeyoung hurt her. what's the reason to keep loving her? 


short chapter. it's not the end yet guys 😂 i'll update long chapter later. it just it's not the right time to write a long chapter. maybe if im going back home i will update since at home, i have time update my stories while sipping coffee. argh so good! haha bye. 

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