14.| Well done TZUYU

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They were doing vlive a while ago. it was to celebrate their 2 years anniversary as a twice. and from the beginning, tzuyu was jealous. she keep stealing a glance at her girlfriend, sana. everytime she look at sana and her member dahyun, she felt her heart burned. she hate to see sana always stuck with dahyun. they even hug as sana didn't know that tzuyu is her girlfriend. but tzuyu, she was a type person who will keep her jealous feeling inside and act like nothing when the truth is she was hurt. 

meanwhile sana, she does that not to make tzuyu jealous. she and dahyun just like a sisters and little sisters. she know she own tzuyu. she love tzuyu and only tzuyu. but she didn't know that tzuyu was keeping her jealous inside. while the vlive start, and their member are talking. she somehow steal a glance at her girlfriend tzuyu. she was feeling jealous too when she see jihyo with tzuyu. she sighed, she then slowly sit far away from dahyun while look at tzuyu. 

as the vlive finish, they were going to sleep. sana share a bed with her tzuyu. at the bed, tzuyu already sleep. but actualy she didn't sleep. today was different. tzuyu didn't wish goodnight or hug her lover. she just sleep like that and beside her is sana who know feeling confuse on what happen to tzuyu. she tap tzuyu shoulder. tzuyu back was facing sana. tzuyu didn't turn around. sana sigh and move closer to tzuyu back. she wrapped her arm around tzuyu. hugging tzuyu.

" tzuyu ah "

" babe? "

" jagiya "

" tzuyuuuu "

" are you sleep already "

sana felt tzuyu hand hold her arm that was around tzuyu stomach and she pulled away sana arm. sana frown. she sit and talk to tzuyu who now still lay at the bed. 

" tzuyu ah. did i do something wrong? "

sana was frustrated because tzuyu didn't answer her. she talk again.

" tzuyu! "

that's when tzuyu sit and look at sana. 

" don't you know? "

" how can i know if you suddenly act like this? did

 i do something wrong tzuyu? "

" if you love dahyun, why don't you just go with

 her and said dahyun let's being couple! or just 

 break up with me and go with dahyun! "

tzuyu said with her tears now falling. tzuyu can't hold it anymore. meanwhile sana, she can't believe tzuyu will said something like this. they only being a couple for 1 month. that was so sweet when tzuyu ask her to be her girlfriend and sana accept her since she love tzuyu too. but they somehow didn't confess what they feel to each other. and sana was shocked when tzuyu said the break up thing at her. sana was crying too. tzuyu didn't trust her. didn't trust that sana only love tzuyu. she also doubt her love. 

" well done tzuyu. that hurt me a lot. you doubt

 my feelings to you. and even told me to go with

 dahyun? wow. well done. you really want a break

 up with me tzuyu? "

" yes! "

that hurt sana a lot. she wipe her tears and leave tzuyu alone. tzuyu didn't love her. and now sana walk to her member room. she knock the door.

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