50.| It's okay pt.1

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It's been a long time isn't it? 

i guess you are happy now.

are you happy with her?

i hope so.

i wish you're happy with her.

if it makes you happy,

i'll be happy for you...


we never talk anymore,

we are not like before. i know.

maybe i was wrong,

but im not regret it.

i just afraid i'll get hurt.

so, im not reply your text. 

but, look. now it's your birthday,

i swear i never think of you,

but why i can remember you birthday?

and now i text you just for wish.


im waiting..

it's okay..

in the next morning, tzuyu wake up early as usual. after she take a shower and taking her breakfast, she went out to refresh her mind which is, jogging.

after having 3 round jogging nonstop, she finally sit amd drink her water. she then thought about her.. she take out her phone and see no message. it's okay. she thought.

after taking a rest, she went back home and change her clothes after taking a shower. after done, she lay in her bed and sleepy. she then drift to sleep. 

at night, she wake up and feel her head is hurt. probably because sleeping until night. she get up and making a dinner. yes, she live alone.. everything has changed after she's leaving. 

her mind was onto something else and she felt like she's already full and she stop eating. after finish washing her plates, she went back to her room. she lay at the bed and reach her phone. she saw a one message. and she wonder who is it. 

she open the message and read it..

thanks for the wish, i thought you already dead.

tzuyu was really shocked after reading her message. so smooth and so roooood

but then, she was thinking if she should reply back or not. but she decide not to reply because she will end up hurting if the latter didn't reply back if she already excited for texting with her. she really hate that feeling getting ignored and not get a replied when she already excited and plus she already miss that person. and she will not doing the same mistake again. and she did. she didn't reply back. 

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