~ The First Hard Choice~

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Calla's POV

I had just woken up that morning to bright sunlight shining through my windows . My stomach rumbled quietly as I stood up from my bed, moving toward the stairwell. When I went downstairs I could hear whimpering and made my way to a hidden staircase to my 'dungeon'. 

At the bottom of the swirling staircase inside a small cage, was the young male human I had been draining. He was around fifteen and extremely skinny by this point. He had been feeding me for about two weeks now and I knew he was almost out of life. I could feel it. When I looked into his eyes I saw no shine of life left in him. 

"Hello, sweet pea. Are you ready for some more fun?" I said in a very girly innocent voice that I always used. He nodded his head silently, just wanting the torture to be over. "Good now come to the side so we don't make a mess." I opened a small box I kept on the shelf down there and took out one of my three bleeding needles. He did as I said and crawled to the edge of the cage. I went to my knees and shoved the needle deep into the side of his throat where there were no scars. Scars made it harder on the needle and I couldn't get a new shipment for a few months so I had to be careful. He moaned softly feeling the blood and life draining from his broken body. It didn't take more than five minutes before he laid back against the wall, empty of blood and dead.

After cleaning up all the blood and covering his body I went to the bar. That is where my one friend Sony works. She is the bartender during the morning and afternoon shift so I was going to catch her just before she finished up. Inside the bar was quiet, clean, and smelled free.  I was sitting at the counter waiting for my flask of Whiskey and a Mountain Dew when a neighbor came in. I could instantly smell that he wasn't human but he wasn't a vampire either...

I looked at Sony, Demon or Wolf?

Demon. Big time demon. Most powerful one in town.

I glanced over and saw him order. He was trying to avoid all eye contact with me but I felt like I couldn't look away. When he glanced up I saw beautiful hazel-green eyes.

"Hi. I'm Yuma," he said. His voice smooth but deep at the same time.

"Calla. Calla Nightingale." I told him as I took a drink of the Whiskey. I didn't feel uncomfortable but I just had a nagging feeling something was up. "I hope to see you again Yuma," I said. Standing up I looked over to Sony, smiling softly to my friend. "See you this evening Sony." When she nodded I walked out of the bar and back to my home.

Once inside my house, I saw a flicker in my fireplace. I ran over and bent down. A fire message had been sent. I read it,

Dear Calla,

If you don't get me what I want soon then it is going to be too late for you. I will send my most powerful people after you. You have to get me that blood before the end of the week understand? Pure Demon Blood or you die a slow and painful death. You don't want to turn out like your baby brother do you? And if you push my patients too far I'll kill Sonny with you.

-King Leonard.

I needed to cry. I could feel my tears welling up and I was struggling to control them. I did not have the equipment to drain a demon of their blood. I took several deep breaths and closed my eyes. You just met a demon, Calla. You don't know him. You could kill him and it wouldn't matter to you. Just do it! I don't want to though! I had only killed those whom I fed on and I didn't want to start, but I also didn't want to die. After a long mental argument, I decided I had to get that demon blood no matter who lost their life.

I heard someone near my door and ran to it, flinging it open. Sony was standing there, her eyes bright with concern.

"What was that fight with yours, if over? I could hear your thoughts at the bar."

"I have to get demon blood and I need help. You said Yuma was a demon in town right?"

"Yeah... You have to know how strong he is. How are we going to get blood from him?"

"Can you slip something in a drink of his or something? Knock him out and we'll get him downstairs and go from there?"

Sonny smiled evilly and nodded her head. She was way too excited about this.

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