39...Everything Ends...

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***Author's Note... This is the final chapter of the actual book. I hope every one has enjoyed it and this chapter broke my heart writing it so just know you are not the only one in pain. Hang around for just a little longer and I have a bit of an Apology Chapter for you were you can post questions in comments and stuff if you like. But let's finish this SweetHearts...***


Marble walked slowly across the blood covered field. She used slow and careful steps to avoid stepping on the corpses that littered the ground. A soft drizzle of rain started as she reached the center of the field. Wolf fur blew in large tuffs, a large golden wolf's body with no throat. Making a disgusted sound she waved her slim hand and flames ignited on the body burning it into a pile of ash. A few feet away laid the body of a dead man, dark blue jeans, a red shirt, with golden brown spiky hair. Crouching down she rolled the body into its back and let out a sad sigh. "Aaron Striker." a young elf girl picked up his body and cared it back through a portal to the elven lands. The wind started to pick up as the shadows stretched across the field. Her long white hair fluttered slightly as she turned, going to the source of the shadows. Long pools of shadows seeped into the ground as they poured out of the stomach if a young elf. His shirt white hair was across his one eye, his lip piercing still in place, and on the arm draped over the wound was the cursive M tattoo. Tears slipped from her eyes as she went to her knees, holding her child. " Damian Magrus. Oh my poor boy... why did I let you do this?" She cried into her son's shoulder. Another young elf girl, Kage, came up to the corpse and pried him from his mother's arms crying as she took him through the portal.

The next body she went to wasn't even a body any more. It was a decapitated head. The long pastel blue hair was drenched in blood and Marble raised her hand in a violent motion not even saying the name before igniting the body. In a deep growl she whispered, "Sonny Havoc."

She lifted her head and watched the flames burn everything, not even ashes were left from her body. Using less careful steps Marble stormed over to two bodies lying on top of eachother near the forest line. Her lips twisted into a sneer as she waved her hands making more flames, black flames, Billie up into the sky, destroying the bodies. "Leonard NightShade and Deric NightShade". The hatred dripped from her voice as she went up to the remaining survivors. Yuma sat on the ground, hiding his face in his knees as she approached. "Are we forgetting anyone else?" He nodded his head but didn't say a word, merely pointing over toward a spot in the tall grass that was pushed down.

Calmly Marble went to this spot. She looked down before crouching and grasping the young girl's hand. The pale skin was stained with deep red blood from the wound cutting through her midsection. "Oh dear... Calla NightShade." She lifted the youngers body up into a sitting position them picked her up. Realizing the other hand was grasping something across her heart. Walking back to the survivors she looked at Yuma. "What's in her hand?"

"I don't know." He said gently prying her pale fingers apart. A bright blue dog tag fell from her hand and dangled around her neck. Yuma froze for a moment before reaching for the tag with shaking hands. He lifted it and read it aloud, "His Angel... Vampire. Yuma X Calla." He dropped it back into her small hand and closed her fingers around it trying to control the tears he felt on the brink of falling.

Seeing the pain in Yuma Marble knew it was time to walk away. She nodded to the survivors and walked through the portal taking Calla with her. The war was finally over... but so much was lost... was it worth it?

Onyx Outcasts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora