36...Death Starts...

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**Author's Note I AM SORRY. Just know it gets bad here. But at the end of this chapter or as it happens I want to know what part you think was the worst... aka which death hurt you the most. I hope you are getting ready for the next part because it's almost as bad. See ya Sweet Hearts **


I was using my body to shield Damian when I heard the roar. I closed my eyes tighter whispering, "Its okay. It's Yuma. We'll be alright. We are going to win this." Damian smiled weakly before his head dropped back against my chest. I can't do this. I can't lose him. Scarlett came running back and grabbed hold of him.

"Help Yuma. You have a way more powerful demon than I do. Go do something. Ari, Aaron get your wolf asses out there too." I passed Damian to her but he grabbed my belt and yanked me back.

"Promise you'll come back?" He whispered leaning into me. I kissed him hard on the mouth, not knowing if I would actually get another chance to.

"I promise." I gave him the hope he needed to go willingly with Scarlett. That's when Aaron and Ari rushed in, changing forms and snapping and biting every vampire they could sink their teeth into. Two ran at me, fangs longer than normal with metal tips to dig through bone better. I pulled my stake and slammed it through one's heart instantly and the other I kicked the brought my fist down hard, breaking the back if his skull. Violently I continued to fight my way through the mass of vampires that were charging, trying to kill Damien. I allowed none of them to get passed me. Everyone that came near me died. That is until five males came up from different sides and really brought the fight. Two kicked me hard in my ribs, making one almost snap. I felt my legs give out for a moment when something sharp entered just behind my knee. The remaining three worked together to grab my arms keeping me down.

"Get the elf!" The leader of the group yelled at the two who had kicked me. They ran up to Scarlett and Hell literally broke loose. Her eyes flashed a deep purple. The younger of the two grabbed his chest, screaming in extreme pain. Suddenly his chest exploded. His heart went flying making a girl far away scream from the fear of having a heart splatter on the ground in front of her. Scarlett made direct eye contact with the other, his eyes were ripped from his head making him scream.

"SHUT UP OR THEY GO DOWN YOUR THROAT !" She yelled angrily. He dropped to the ground clutching his face, sobbing. She stood up leaving Damian alone for a moment to stab the heel of her boot through his neck.

When she was back at his side I forced my hands from the vampires holding me down. I slammed both if my hands down against the ground and made my eyes change color, letting my demon free. The electricity flowing from my body into the ground and up into the vampires the nearest to me. They spasmed on the ground until they became deathly quiet. I took a deep breath. Slowly I felt my demon fleeing from me and hiding deep inside again. My breathing was heavy. I looked back at Damian, laying half passed out on the ground. He was barely keeping his eyes open.

A loud growl filled my ears and a wolf jumped over me, licking jaws with another. I rolled back and tried to look at the mass of fur, teeth, and claws. One thing I knew for certain was that one wolf was Ren. I could tell by the honey like scent and by the thin golden riffs of fur coming off of him as the other wolf ripped and clawed at him. Blood splattered against everything near the massive wolves as they fought. I couldn't quite see who the other wolf was though. I could tell they had a dark coat but both Ari and Aaron had at least dark patches on them. The two combatants ripped apart for a moment and I saw a bloody Ren and Aaron crouching low, ready to jump straight back into it. I could physically feel the hatred pouring off the alpha males. Sonny and Sri both suddenly ran up beside their mates, hunching low, teeth bared in wolf form. Both seemed ready to jump in between their mates at any given second but that wasn't what happened next...

Ari lunged for Ren her teeth sinking into his throat before he could even react. Her long canines ripped his throat apart shred by shred. Blood sprayed everywhere. Ren jerked and struggled,wildly but there was no escaping Ari's jaws. Eventually he stopped, gave into death and let life leave him. Just as Ari dropped Ren's lifeless body there was a flash of metal. Sonny had pulled a sword ,after changing back into human form, and was aiming for her skull. Ari didn't even know what happened... I covered my mouth as a long loud whimper silenced half of the war. Aaron shifted back from his wolf form and let all his weight fall forward. Sonny ripped the sword from his chest roughly and kicked him down onto his back. He didn't stay up for more than a second before he fell onto the ground dead. Ari growled violently. Her long canines bared but she didn't attack. She went to Aaron's side, nuzzled her head into the vroom of his neck, then lifted her head and howled. The sound was full of sorrow and everyone knew what had just happened. A loyal wolf just lost their mate... Silently Sonny walked away, not even looking back to see the devastation.

I ran to Ari, knowing it was dangerous. Even in her wolf form I could see tears run down her face ad she tried to blink them away. Turning quickly she shifted and put her face against my chest, sobbing loudly. I picked her up and carried her toward where Damian was. I couldn't leave her in this much pain. I didn't dare to say a word because I understood the pain that was burying itself deep inside her. "Its too much Jett. I can't handle this.... I just lost everything... I wanna go home."

Sighing I looked down at her. "We can't get. Just stay with me and Damian if you can." She nodded, shifting back into wolf form and jumped from my arms. Blood still dripped from her mouth and paws where she had torn people apart. And I got a reminder that I will never forget... Don't take what belongs to a wolf. If you do... hell will rise..

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