12. Don't Do It Aaron

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*Author's Note - Okay guys. Here is chapter 11. I know what is happening to Jett? Well we will get there okay. Just stay calm and pray that you have some good thoughts to keep you going. But anyway above is what Jett's electric power looks like expect maybe a bit more navy colored. Alright enjoy the chapter and let me know what you think**

Aaron's POV an hour before Jett wakes up.

I was pacing around Sonny's house. It had been a while since I had went inside. I didn't want to be near her. But I had no choice. She was in control of me now. I looked up at the moon. It was almost full. Within the next week I would have to hide my wolf form. I walked around the back of the house and saw Ren. He saw me and backed up. I decided to shift right in front of him. I had nothing to lose.

" What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Um.. my friend and roommate Jett hasn't came home yet and it's almost midnight. Tycer said that I might find him near here." i bit my lip and growled. I knew Sonny had Jett but I wasn't sure of what she was planning. I honestly felt worried for him. If she was going to treat him like she treated me then he had better pray that his demon could save him like my wolf.

" No one has been here except for you Ren. I would offer to help track him but I need to handle a situation of my own."

"And what would that be?"

" you know nothing about wolves do you?" He shook his head. "I am an alpha. I need another Alpha. I'm not meant to be alone."

"Aaron!!!" Sonny screamed from the porch. I could only imagine what she wanted this time.

"That's my que. I'll see you around Ren." I walked away and went inside the house.

"What did you need Sonny?" I asked keeping my distance from her. She smiled and it made my skin crawl. I really wanted to growl at her because of everything she had done to me this past week but I didn't have an option but to do as she said.

"Aaron I need you to do something for me. It shouldn't be too hard either." I cocked my head wanting her to continue. "I need you to 'take care' of Ren. He is coming around way too much and if he finds out what I am doing with Jett downstairs... I need something to happen to him."

"Like what? I don't want to kill him. He has went through a lot from what I have heard and he is just concerned about what happened to his friend."

"I don't want you to kill him. I want you to turn him. Make him a wolf like you. That way I can keep him under my control as well."

"You are asking me to use one of the three times I can turn a human to turn a god damn guy that you like so you can control him!? Why would I do that, Sonny?"

"What do you want in return? I really need this done and I don't want him to be a vampire because he will be in so much more danger than if he becomes a wolf. Please Aaron name your price."
I looked around and shifted my weight. I wanted to be free. I didn't want to be like this for the rest of my life. But... I also wanted to find a mate. I really NEEDED to find MY ALPHA. I could feel the effects of the full moon coming and I needed to find it soon. "I... want to have time to... be on my own, especially at night."

Sonny growled and I knew she was reading my mind. She knew I was thinking about a mate, an alpha that would be my own. She kind of looked back to the door that led to the basement then back to me, debating on if that was too high of a price. "Fine, but on one condition. I want you to wear the collar. I don't want you running off on me." I nodded and smiled. I was actually going to be able to do things I wanted to do. I wasn't going to be on a leash any more. "Now let me explain how this is going to happen..."

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