16. Time For The Elves

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***Author's Note- Alright guys, even though I know like no one is reading this here is the next Chapter. I'm introducing an Elf named Damian in this chapter. The elves are like the highest authority even passing up the angels. They are in charge of punishing those who have done wrong which is kind of important so if you are reading this remember that. Also before he messages me to my friend who inspired this character, I used a different name then the one you wanted because of the way I had the elf acting. I wanted him to be very different then what your normal elves are so yeah that's why. But any way here you go enjoy if you actually read this book so far. See ya Sweet Hearts<3**

Damian's POV

I was waiting right as the portal opened. I glanced through it and squinted. A decent sized town was on the other side. There were several houses and a large building just down the street from the portal. " This is Blood Creek. There has been a murder of a human supposably by a vampire. I need you to find out who did it Damian. You are our best warrior. Don't fail me."

"I won't. I never have before. Plus what could make me fail?"

"You'll find out soon. Now go. They are waiting for you." I heard the thunder crack on the other side as I walked through the portal. I summoned my black magic as I stepped through completely. It swirled around my hands and up my arms in the rain that surrounded me. I glanced around the town and saw a good amount of people. Several humans were huddled together near the largest building. Then to my immediate right stood a pair of werewolves. One with bright red hair, around 5'10 maybe'. The other was maybe 5'9 with short blonde hair. I continued to look at the people. The next group I found was a girl with pastel blue hair, a man with chestnut brown hair, and another girl with dirty blonde hair. I took a deep breath as I noticed the two girls were vampires. They are my best bet on being the murders. Last was another group three people, but they all looked similar. All had dark black hair and were naturally tall. I glanced up into each one of their faces. The tallest man had bright green hazel eyes, the shorter man had light blue, and the girl had violet purple. Hm. Demons. Interesting.

"I'm Yuma. I'm the one who called for your help." The tallest reached out to shake my hand. I shook his hand and gave him a small smile.

"I'm Damian. Who is everyone here?" I glanced at his companions.

" Okay everyone come and introduce yourselves!" Yuma yelled and everyone instantly was moving. No one seemed willing to cross him. One by one they came up and shook my hand.

"Alex." a bright smiled flashed from the girl with short curly blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She was an angel I could tell the second I touched her. She felt so pure.

"Tycer and Ren." the two boys who were by themselves a few moments ago introduced.

"Jett. I'm uh... kinda am helping with Yuma." The shorter black haired guy said. He made eye contact then quickly looked away. I could tell he was nervous by my presence. I took note of that.

"Scarlett." the girl told me and walked away.

The last to come to me was the vampires. The blue haired girl pulled the guy along with her. He seemed exhausted as he stumbles forward to meet me. "I'm Sonny and this is Aaron." He nodded reached out to shake my hand. I felt a lot of pain pulse through his body as he shook my hand slowly. Sonny pulled him away and went back toward a house. The last was the older vampire. She looked down and rubbed her arms nervously.

" I'm Calla..." she went to leave but I grabbed her by the shoulder. She grew tense under my fingers.

"Do you have a last name?" I thought it was strange that she didn't want to make eye contact.

"You didn't make anyone else say... so why do I have to?" She faced me and I saw her eyes get dark with emotion.

"I'm a bit more interested in you though so cough it up."

"Nightshade. I am Calla fucking Nightshade. May I go now?" her voice became dark and sadistic. It made me feel uncomfortable so I allowed her to leave. Everyone but the three demons, Scarlett, Jett, and Yuma left. They stayed behind for some reason.

"Can I help you three?" I asked them.

" You need a place to stay so Jett said you could stay at his place.

"He doesn't have to do that. Plus what's wrong with your place Yuma? Since you were the one who called in anyway."

"Hate yo break it to you but I'm kind of short a couch. There's plenty of floor though of that's what you want."

"Are you just trying to keep me out of your house?"

"Don't make me laugh," he half snarled. "You can check my whole damn place and won't find anything on me. It was a vampire who killed him." I rolled my eyes. I knew not to trust demons and these would be no different.

"I will in time. Now where is your place Jett?"

"f. Follow me." He lead me to a decent sized apartment house. He opened the door and took a deep breath. Instantly he was tackled by a hulking golden brown wolf. I used my magic and threw the wolf back against the wall. I let the shadowy tendrils snake around it's throat and squeeze. It's eyes began to roll up into its head. "No stop! He didn't mean any harm!" Jett tugged on my arm until my magic dropped from my target.

" It attacked you."

"He's not himself. Just don't hurt him." I watched as the wolf turned into a small human who was gasping for air. His fingers clutched his tiny throat. "This is Ren." Jett crouched down and helped him up. He stumbled a bit and looked at me with shock filled eyes.

"Why did you do that?"

"You were endangering the welfare of Jett. And I am not allowing anyone to get hurt while I'm here."

"should have been here a day or so sooner." He mumbled. My attention peaked at that second.

"What do you mean?"

Jett looked at Ren with a horror filled face. He shook his head and pulled Ren close whispering in his ear. "Don't please god don't tell".

"Nothing I didn't say anything." Ren ran up the stairs in the corner of the room and didn't look back.

I went and stood right in front of Jett. He looked me right in the eye. Surprisingly we were the same height. "Don't think I didn't hear that." I whispered to him. My breath hit his neck and a shudder rushed through him.

"Uhh. This way. You can sleep in my bed. I... I can sleep on the floor." He lead me up the stairs and down a small hallway. At the end was a dark gray door. He unlocked it and opened it. Inside was a light gray bed, a small dresser, laptop, and a printer.

"This is your room?" I ran my hand across the sheets. They were silky and cold. He nodded silently and watched as I walked over to the window. The storm I had caused had calmed and was passing by. It wasn't a very good view. Definitely not enough to plan out anyone's route to cut them off and murder them. I sighed already feeling like Jett wasn't a suspect.

"um.. the bathroom is the other door in the hall. I'm going to go sleep on the either the couch of the floor. So night I guess." I heard him start to walk but I slammed the door with my mind. He gasped and turned around. "do you need something?" He half whispered.

"Jett what are you hiding? And tell the truth. I am not wanting to start torturing the truth from people already." I walked forward and he pressed his back against the door.

"I've done nothing wrong. Now if you would excuse me I would like to go to bed." He opened the door and ran down the hall. I rolled my eyes and laid down in the bed. In minutes I had drifted off into sleep.

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