23. Too Many Fucking Issues.

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*** Author's Note. Okay this chapter is kind of a wrap up chapter. Damian sees what has happened to Yuma and finds Calla again. Also be ready for a dragon. ;) See you next Chapter Sweet Hearts <3***

Damian's POV

That next morning I ram out of my house and went toward Yuma's house. I knew he had to be the one hiding Calla. They were too close for him to not know where she was. I knocked on the door loudly. I was met by the girl I believe was known as Scarlett. She smiled warmly at me.

"Hello Damian. What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Calla or Yuma. Are either of them here?"

"Um... well Yuma is in the basement but I haven't seen Calla around. Do you want me to get Yuma?"

"I could come in and talk to him if you don't want to."

"No no. It's fine. I'll be right back." She shut the door and I heard her run inside the house. I sat on the edge of the railing that lead up the stairs. I tried to stay calm but fear was slowly taking over. If I didn't find Calla I was dead meat. My boss would either banish me from my home or he would literally come down to earth and rip me apart. I didn't know which I was more afraid of. I had never been without my friends back home. But then again death was something everyone knew to fear. I heard the door click and turned around. Yuma was standing in the doorway, rubbing his arms.

"Yuma, listen I know you have Calla here or you at least know where she is. Tell me now where she is."

"No,Damian. Calla isn't here."

"Stop bullshitting. I know you know." Yuma came out of the doorway and looked right into my eyes, making his flash green.

"Calla isn't here. And neither should you." his voice began to sound strained. Something was not right. I walked closer to him and he backed up.

"Yuma, are you Okay?" He hid his arms behind his back and tried to shut the door. I stuck my foot between the door and the frame, shoving it back open. I looked at Yuma's arms and saw dark lines forming on his skin. They looked red, half swollen and swore. "What is that?!" I tried to grab him but he moved.

"Its nothing! GET THE HELL OUT!" I saw something change in him. I'm not sure what but it was something. His voice became rough and he just felt violent. I went closer and saw the lines continue to move and form. A picture slowly started to form clear up both of his arms. First I saw the scales form and become shaded. It took me a moment and I realized what was forming. But I watched so I didn't jump to any conclusions. After maybe another four or five minutes the tattoo was done and fully shaded. A beautiful black dragon was wrapped around his arm clear down to his wrists on both arms.

"Yuma are you a dragon?!" I continued to look at the beautiful, naturally occurring piece of art on his arms. The eyes were bright blue and stood out against the heavy blacks and slate greys of the outline and the dragon's body.

Yuma refused to answer me. He glanced down and moved his arms looking like he was in shock. Scarlett came back into the room at that point. "What is that?" She walked up to him and gently touched the tattoos. Yuma tensed at the touch, clearly the tattoos hurt.

"I made a deal." he murmured. After a second i understood what had happened. Yuma made a deal with a dragon to get that form. The thing was I had never seen a dragon that was willing to give up their form. Yuma slowly went to the door and opened it. Scarlett and I both followed. I had forgotten about finding Calla. I was too entranced that there was a demon with the ability to shift into a dragon. Yuma stood near the woods, away from the trees but also far enough from his house that nothing would happen. I watched as he took a deep breath, the dragons' eyes on the tattoos began to glow and I saw scales start to move up his arms. Then I just saw blue light around him. I covered my eyes as I heard a loud groan and the light became unbearably bright. When the light dimmed down I saw Yuma as a dragon. He was fucking huge. Bright blue and shining black scales covered his entire bulky body, he stood up and he was at least twelve feet tall and fourteen feet long. He turned around and I saw blue fire underneath the scales as the bent with the movement. **Imagine Fire under the scales if the dragon above kind of** Slowly he spread his wings. The wings looked like they were ripped but that weren't, they were just beautifully rough and stood out against the sleekness of his body. I couldn't believe that Yuma was actually a dragon. This made him so much more dangerous than what he previously was. If he wanted to he could kill anyone in a matter of seconds.

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