33...Which Side...

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***Author's note. WE ARE ALMOST DONE GUYS! It seems like it's been so long but we are almost there. This is a shorter chapter but ehh it's fine. I'll make up with it for the next one ;> hope you enjoy and see you soon guys. ***

Calla's POV.

After yesterday I tried desperately to keep my life as normal as possible but it just wasn't. I was afraid to go anywhere because I never knew when the fighting would begin. At work I couldn't stay focussed. Every human that came in had no idea what was about to happen. But all of the others did. I wanted to tell the sick men that they were in danger but then again I thought they were just a bunch of whores themselves and didn't need to know because they weren't worth saving. But those thoughts were what Leonard and Sonny were wanting me to think. I knew they were wanting me to join them because they knew I could tip the scale in their favor. I hated to think it but maybe... just maybe it would be for the better.

"Calla, I need you." Sonny yelled for me from behind the bar. Sighing I went up to her. She smiled but it wasn't a happy smile, she was plotting and wanting my answer. "You need to join me. You know these people don't deserve this nice of a life when you have suffered so much. Help me make them know the pain we went through." I shook my head.

"No. Nobody not even the most disgusting human alive deserves the pain I went through." I tried to walk away but she ran up to me and grabbed my arm. She growled and showed her fangs.

"If you don't join my side with Leonard so help me I will make sure every one of them die a slow painful death understand me. I will make you do it if we take them prisoner. You will watch them all die if you don't reconsider Calla."

My whole body began to shake in her grasp. I was terrified now. Would she actually do that? Probably... would I let that happen? I don't know... I began to imagine the look in all of their eyes as they were pinned down and Sonny killing them in so many different ways that my insides started to squirm and i physically felt sick. "i... I accept the offer..." I looked down... I couldn't let them die like that. At least now they had a chance at surviving. I quickly pulled away and ran back downstairs to finish my shift as quickly as I could. This was going to be a day from hell...

I was exhausted after dealing with the humans. My patients was finally leaving me the rest of the way. I grabbed my duffle bad and left the bar. It was way later than when i would leave normally. I had to deal with a really hormonal guy that refused to leave. Sure the dude was a handful but I got the job done. I tossed my bag inside my door and pulled out my phone. No texts, no calls, no notifications. I grumbled and went to the woods. I was so done surprisingly without killing him. I dug my hands into my hair then took out my earbuds. Without even thinking I pressed play on my music and my ears rang with the sound of one of my favorite songs. I quietly began to sing along as I wandered around looking to calm down.
I took a deep breath before the chorus, starting to calm down, but I didn't know that there was someone else watching...

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