25. So many emotions

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** Authors Note. DOUBLE UPLOAD DAY! Haven't done one of these in a while and since my friend and I are having a rough day why not cheer us both up? In this chapter we get a pretty emotional Calla dealing with after effects of seeing her brother again and with some issues that Yuma and Jett bring upon her. Okay I'll let you all get to reading and see you next Chapter Sweet Hearts <3**

Calla's POV

When i got home i was more than furious. Deric had never tried to help me in my entire life and NOW he thought i needed him, pathetic. I laid down on my bed, my mind wandering. I felt so alone but yet again I knew who was actually there for me right now, Yuma and Jett. They both had risked a lot to help me and from what I heard so had Aaron. No one had actually seen Aaron since that night but I wasn't worried. If he was around that girl then he was probably getting some by now for as flirty as he normally is. I was trying to let sleep take over when I heard something ping against my window. I groaned as I walked to the window. Outside was Yuma, in a long sleeve grey shirt and light blue jeans, and Jett in a red T-shirt and a grey pair of skinny jeans. I opened the window and leaned out just slightly.

"What are you doing here? It's late," I called out.

"We have to talk about a couple things and Yuma needs to show you something." Jett hollered back. Since jumping from the window down to them was a bad idea because my hands still hurt I went down the stairs and opened the door. Yuma smiled at me as he walked in, quickly followed by Jett. Once inside with the door shut Jett hugged me tightly. "Glad to see you're doing okay." he whispered through my curls.

"Yeah I'm doing pretty good... Surprisingly. My hands still hurt bad though." he pulled back and looked down at my white gauze wrapped hands. He unwrapped the tight gauze and revealed the thirteen cuts on all over my hands. They had started to scab up but I thought from how deep they were they would scar. Most of them, especially the ones on my palms, were fairly deep still. Yuma and Jett each took hold of one of my hands gently. Slowly they traced the lines looking at the progress. When Yuma touched the deepest one, a cut that went clear across my right palm I winced. He pulled his hand away whispering,

"I'm sorry. I should have known that one would still be the most painful."

"No it's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to touch it is all." I pulled my hands from their grasped and looked at my mangled palms. They would never be the same soft smooth flesh again. "Anyway what is it that you were wanting to talk to me about?" Yuma glanced at Jett, silently telling him to explain.

"Well we have been informed that there is a new vampire here from Tycer. He said that he was picking up heavy scents from it in the woods and we wanted to know if you noticed anything since you live so close to them. What is it Calla?" Like usual my facial expressions betrayed my true emotions. I knew I looked either pissed or sad but I feared which one. I didn't want to explain about Deric... not like this.

"I...I um yeah I do know about the new vampire. I ran into them earlier."

"Who are they?"

"Umm....." I couldn't look either of them in the eye. They were clearly picking up on my worry about this as I shifted my weight and picked at my hands.

"Calla please tell us. We just want to help especially if they have you this worried." Yuma stood directly in front of me, his fingers lightly grasping my chin and tilting it upward. I couldn't lie to someone so kind. It was impossible, plus just the way his hazel-green eyes shone in the dark made it even more so.

"His name is Deric. Prince Deric of Silver Coven. He umm came here to see me."

"Why for you Calla? Is it because of you killing Garrett?"

"No.. well.. kinda AHH!" I let out a loud scream of frustration that made Jett step back. I dug my sore hands deep in my hair and let out another scream. "HE'S MY BROTHER!"

Yuma stood there for a moment looking like he was lost. "What?" He asked quietly.

"Prince Deric is my full blooded brother."

"How is that possible? You've lived here your entire life."

"Since I was five! My father didn't want me to rule since I was the first born. Deric was to have the throne because he was 'stronger' than me. So I was cast out at the age of five so HE could have everything HE ever needed while I had to do everything on my own!" I was shaking. I was so upset but I refused to cry. I bit my lips to hold back the tears I felt fill my eyes.

"Hush. Calla it's okay. You don't have to go through that again." Yuma hugged me tightly against his chest as my shoulders crumbled. I wanted nothing more than to stand here and break down.

"We are here for you Calla. You'll be okay now." Jett said from a few feet away. I wiped angrily at my eyes and pulled away from Yuma.

"You said you also wanted to show me something what was it?" I wanted to get off of this topic. It made me feel upset and I just needed to stop being so upset about everything.

"What do you think about tattoos Calla?" I tilted my head not understanding the question. Everyone knew I loved tattoos. Every style I loved because they were so different from each other. Neo Traditional and Japanese were my favorite styles if I had to pick. Yuma took off his jacket and handed it to Jett. I was shocked to see dragon tattoos going from his wrists up his arms and underneath the sleeves of his T-shirt. Entranced instantly I traced every line with my finger tips. Gently touching and memorizing each thin line and each different tone of shading in the tattoo. I heard Yuma let out a breathy chuckle as he watched me study them. When I stopped I looked him in the face.

"Where did you get these? I was literally just at your house a couple days ago and I know you didn't have them then."

"The first night you stayed with me a dragon came and offered to change me so I took the offer and gained the tattoos from it. They formed the day after you left." He smiled.

"So are you still... you know. Demon? Or are you just dragon?" I wasn't going to act like I knew everything about demons and dragons because I didn't. I was far from knowing everything but I wanted to learn.

"I'm both. I'm still my demonic self but I also now have a dragon form. I'd show you but I don't want a prince to see me do that." instantly I went into panic. He was right. If Deric saw that Yuma was a dragon it would make him become the biggest target. I wouldn't let that happen. But what if they find out... and I can't protect him?

I violently shook my head, forcing the thought away. I'd get myself killed if it meant keeping him alive. "So that's all?" They both nodded. "Okay well I'm going to go to bed after I wrap my hands yet again." Jett smiled and walked out the door. Yuma stood in front of me for a moment before leaning in toward me.

"Good night Calla." His lips gently touched mine for a moment making me kiss back rougher. I gripped his shirt and yanked him closer until he pulled back.

"Good night I guess." with that he teleported away, leaving me alone in the dark so I could finally let all of my tears fall.

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