10. Battle with a Demon

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Sony's POV

I hit Aaron across the face and watched as blood trickled down his face. "You can't deny she saw something. You can't tell me she is not traumatized Sonny!" Aaron yelled at me. I grabbed him around the collar and tightened it, making it dig into his windpipe.

" I know she is traumatized! I know what all she has seen. I see her fucking thoughts you bitch. Now keep yourself under control or I will make you stay under control!" I grabbed the remote and turned it up to ten. Aaron didn't react so I pressed the button. He screamed, threw himself on the ground, and shook wildly. I was so angry I could feel my wolf rising in the pit of my stomach. I needed to calm down. I shook my head and stopped shocking him. His eyes rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness. Pissed beyond belief I went to the bar for my shift at work.

I put several dollars in the register and poured myself one of the stiffest drinks I knew how to make. I heard someone come in and I glanced over. It was Jett and Tycer. I have no shame in admitting it but I had turned into a stalker. I knew so much about all three of the boys in that house that I could write a book. Ren had an ex girlfriend that was a bitch and an alpha werewolf. She evidently had to mate during the full moon and he was not happy about it. Tycer had been her beta and didn't agree with what she did so he left her. I didn't blame him honestly. I wonder if Aaron would have to do that. He is an alpha so maybe. And Jett. I had the most trash on Jett. I knew where he had worked as a stripper before, I knew he didn't care who called for him, and most importantly I knew he was a demon. I also knew he had almost no control of his demon side. When it let loose it couldn't be controlled.

Tycer wrinkled his nose up and made a foul face. He began to swatt at his nose violently as he neared me. Do I smell? I took a deep breath and smelled nothing. Tycer shot a scared look at Jett but he just shrugged it off.

I was even madder by the end of work. It was late at night and I couldn't control my anger any more. I jumped out the bar door and shifted into my wolf form. I shook my long white hair and glanced around. Jett and Tycer were not far away, so I crouched and began to stalk them. I wanted to attack something. I needed to attack someone. I lurked in the bushes waiting for one of them to leave the other.

"So have you finally come around about this place, Jett?"

"No I haven't."

" Dude the only thing that is wrong with this place is that bartender" I crawled closer at them mentioning me.

"What do you mean Tycer? She seemed pretty nice. And Ren seems to like her." I smiled at the thought of Ren liking me. "Plus she is kinda cute."

"Dude! She smelled so much today. It was so violent smelling. Like she was... I don't even know. I swear she is dangerous but I don't know how. She's not a wolf. She's not a vampire..."

"There are vampires here?!" Tycer nodded and continued.

" She's not normal. What?" I noticed I broke a stick and growled at myself. "Show yourself if you know what's good for you!" Tycer knew I was there. I knew it from his mind and I knew I couldn't get out without them seeing me. Oh well. I growled and lunged out into the open, slamming into one of them.

The growls coming from me were half demonic. I saw Jett struggling wildly underneath me. I snarled baring my fangs at him. I had summoned my vampire fangs, I wanted to terrify them. I heard a growl behind me and I turned. Tycer had shifted into a big red and white wolf. He hunched low and went to pounce at me, but Jett screamed at him, "Tycer go! Get out of here. I can handle this!" Jett kicked me in the chest and I rolled off. Tycer ran away as Jett stumbled to his feet. "Who the hell are you? Are you actually Sony? What is going on?" He yelled at me. I growled and shifted into my human/vampire form.

"Damn right I'm Sony. Now I just want a nice conversation between me and you, Jett." I paced back and forth in front of him to work his nerves.

"What do you want?" his blue eyes followed my movements carefully. They half glowed when I moved too quickly. He is not in total control... hmmm. I can work with this.

"I want you to work for me. I know you can do alot with your abilities," I smiled as he grew tense.

"What are you talking about? I'm a normal person ..."

" No you're not Jett. You can't lie to me. You're a demon. A sensitive demon to be more precise. So. We can do this one of two ways. You agree and come with me or I can take you down and force you." That's when Jett's eyes flashed bright navy blue and stayed that color. He had lost all control. He was in panic. Perfect. I rushed forward, making him jump. He ran for a moment but when I shifted into my wolf I caught him. My teeth closed around his forearm and he bit his lip. Blood gushed from the set of wounds. He growled and punched me across the face, making my hold falter. I released him and paced in front of him. I was waiting for my opportunity. When he got to his feet I lunged forward and bit his ankle, almost getting him back on the ground.

"I am not going willingly." He growled as he looked up. He was down on one knee and breathing heavily. When I rushed him again I was met with a hard kick to my ribs. I instantly shifted and was met with pain stabbing into my ribs. Shit. Oh fuck me. I stood up ignoring the pain. "Stay away from me!" Jett screamed. I smiled and walked around him. I went in slow circles just outside of his reach. Jett watched me by snapping his head to each side as I came out from behind him. What is she doing? What does she know? She can't know about Daniel. There is no way she knows.

When I figured out where his blind spot was I lunged forward and forced him down. He cried out as I heard something snap in his shoulder. I added more pressure as I pressed down on his head and neck. I could feel his bones strain as his back slowly began to crack. "Still don't want to come willingly?" He groaned and I felt a shock run up my arms. I gasped and let go. He flipped us so he was pinning me down in my back. Then I felt this kind of draining start to happen. At first it felt like I was being shocked, then it turned to a sharp pain that made me yell. After maybe two minutes it turned into this dull tiring presents that wouldn't let go. I felt my eyelids get heavy so I closed them. When he let go I stayed still, reading his mind. Shit no no. I killed again. Oh my god. What am I going to do. This is worse than Daniel. I can't stop the bloodlust. I sat up slowly and noticed he had his eyes closed. This is it. I lunged up, grabbed him by the throat and sunk my fangs deep. Jett didn't even see it coming. He just fell to the ground. I saw his eyes change back to normal as the venom worked like a drug. It worked just as well as when I drugged Yuma. He passed out in a matter of seconds.

Great now time to get him into my house. I had to drag him by myself but I didn't mind. It allowed me to clear my head and dig around in his mind.

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