4. You Have No Idea What I Have Done

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Yuma's POV

I don't think i had ever been so confused. I had heard the fire message be sent and received. I didn't try to get away anymore. The damage had been done. The King had my blood and could find me now.

“I am not killing you because I didn’t even want to do this let alone kill you. You don't deserve death.” Calla put the Holy Water back on the top shelf near the cells. I swallowed roughly remembering the pain of that water on my skin.“I don't care what you have done. You have done nothing wrong to me.”

I made some kind of strange sound through both my nose and my mouth. I struggled and then stopped.

That’s when Calla unlocked the restraints on my wrists. I jumped up from the chair and took her by her shoulders. She had no idea what was going on. I slammed her head down hard against the wall as she tried to get away. She groaned at the contact. I held her tight and just watched as she laid still in my arms. Her bright blue eyes were shining with fear as she watched me. I should kill her. DO her a favor… No. I can't do that to her. It's not her fault. I let go of her and she slipped down the wall and sat down.

“Please do it. Kill me.” She watched as i shook my head and backed away. I climbed up the ladder and ran up a small thing of stairs. I had to get out. I couldn’t stay a prisoner my whole life.  I saw two doors and flung open the one closest to me. It lead to an outside garden with roses and small poppies. I looked around and saw my house maybe fifty yards away.  I jumped the fence and ran into my home.

I slammed the door locking it, Still in total panic. I ran down into the basement and hid near the dragon egg. I had never felt pain like that before. And i wasn’t even meaning about the Holy Water touching me. I was meaning when she bit me. I never thought she would actually do it. I rubbed my neck and collarbone where she had sunk her fangs and it still hurt even though it was healed. I closed my eyes trying to sleep away the pain and fear I felt.

When I woke up I heard the egg doing something. I took a look at my calculations and realized that it had reached its most powerful state. I started to debate doing something very dumb and very dangerous. I could blend with the egg… but that is going to be hell. The vampire kill will be after me soon and I am going to need to be strong and if I merge myself with a dragon then I will be more powerful… What do I do? I shook my head and decided against doing that stupid idea. At least for now. I went upstairs and saw the box from yesterday and threw it into my fireplace and watched it burn. That’s right burn. I won't fall for anything like that again. I started my day like normal and prayed that Calla and Sonny wouldn’t try to do anything else to me.

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