27. Make Me Happy Damian

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***Authors Note Hey every one today is going to be an interesting chapter because remember how Damian kissed Jett as a 'distraction well some pent up tension from that is the main thing for this chapter. ALSO IMPORTANT KIND OF LEMON ISH! This chapter has an HJ which I pray you people know what that is! If you don't know then sorry you'll learn doon enough. Well good luck and enjoy some Boy x Boy action. ;) See yeah next Chapter Sweet Hearts <3***

Jett's POV

I groaned loudly as I struggled against the chains binding my wrists. Damian had teleported me to the elf world as punishment for setting Calla free. I've been here since that night and I am sore. My shoulders ache from being pressed against this wall and my wrists from the chains. I had tried to break them but it was no use, his magic was controlling them somehow and they would tighten every time I struggled. I let out a frustrated noise just before the door across from my cell opened. A young elf girl with long brown hair and glowing green eyes walked in and shut the door. I felt like I had seen her before but it took me few moments to remember her. She was the girl that took the bodies of the two dead girls.

"How are you doing?" She asked and I tilted my head.

"I'm chained to a wall and can't move. Want to take a guess?" I snapped at her. She frowned and flowery magic flowed up from the ground around my feet. The smell made me dizzy and I started to stumble.

"Want to guess what happens when people are smartasses here?"

"You drug them..." I whispered as my head hurt worse. My knees started to feel weak and I almost fell.

"Now do you want drugged?"

"You... already are... drugging me." I slipped down onto the floor and the smell was way stronger. I couldn't really breath normally. It was like when You breathe in smoke, it was clogging my throat. I heard the door open again as the hazy flower mess around me got thicker.

"Kage did I say I wanted him like this?" I recognized Damian's voice even through the cloud of dizziness.i lifted my head and saw the haze dropping back down to the floor then disappear. I gulped in fresh air hoping the dizziness would leave but it didn't.

"The effects don't leave until they wear off. Stupid demon." Damian lifted his hand and the chains slipped off my hands. I brought them up to my mouth and coughed, still carrying the feeling of my throat being full of smoke. I looked up as he came into the cell. He stopped just a few inches in front me. "So have you learned not to cross elves and what they say?"

"No." I said and kicked his leg out from underneath him. He fell to the ground hitting his head against the ground.

"God damn it Jett. I'm trying to help you out of this mess and you do this."

"YOU PUT ME HERE YOU DICK!" I screamed at him. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pinned him down. His hands went to my shoulders as he shoved at me. "So help me if you try to shove me off I'll kill you."

"You wouldn't." he tried to sound serious but the crack in his voice gave him away. He knew I would and he also knew he deserved it after him playing me in the secret prison. "Jett stop. Okay listen to me."

"Why Damian so you can pull me down by my hair and kiss me again? Make me think that maybe someone does like me? MAYBE MAKE ME WORRY THAT I'M HURTING SOMEONE I COULD POSSIBLY CARE ABOUT!" My voice shook but I didn't care. I slammed him down again and again, hearing the way his head hit the ground was almost calming. I saw blood splatter and Kage backed up. Her eyes wide with fear. I stopped for a moment and saw the blood pooling around Damian's head. His breathing more labored than I had ever heard it.

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