15. The First Body.

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***Author's Note- here we go. An other chapter even though I'm pretty sure not many are even reading this. This is where we find out if Aaron is okay and we find out about that person Calla murdered. It's time for this town to get a new arrival. See you soon SweetHearts <3***

Yuma's POV

"Scarlett please stay out of stuff." I groaned and rested my head on the kitchen table. She has been going around the house looking at everything all morning. The only time she stopped was When I took her outside and I can't do that now because it is late in the evening. Plus I didn't want to go outside. I didn't even get to sleep last night because she kept me up talking and then Jett started having I guess night terrors. I sat beside him but he never woke up until he was yelling he was late for work. I got up to get something to drink to keep me awake and a loud knock sounded at the door.

Scarlett ran and opened the door, "Yes?"

"Where is Yuma?"

"Why? What do you need?"

"I need you to get out of my fucking way and let me talk to him or else you are going to see a lot of blood tonight bitch." I knew the voice but she sounded so much more violent tonight. Something had to be wrong. Calla shoved Scarlett aside and came into my house.

"hello calla."

"No time. Come with me I need you to help someone." i nodded and raced after her as she ran from my house. If Calla couldn't help whoever this was then it was bad. A couple things ran threw my mind on what could have happened and who it was that was hurt. If it was Jett I was going to hate myself. He shouldn't have went to work with the injuries that he received last night.

Calla took me into Sonny's house and down into the basement. Just like I expected there was her vampire stuff everywhere but what surprised me was who was on the table. That bitch Aaron who I killed was laying there squirming and whimpering.

" He is filled with electricity and I don't know how to get it out of him. Do you?" I nodded and went up to him. I did not want to help him but it looked like I had no choice. I placed my hand over his heart and took a deep breath. I began to summon small amounts of power that would draw the energy into my body instead of his. I could feel the current rushing up my arm and into my shoulder after a mere minute. The current stopped and I gingerly lifted my hand checking to make sure none traveled back into him. My body absorbed the current and just turned it into energy that I could use later.

Aaron thrashed upward on the table and began to scream. I thought he was going to fall so I grabbed him by the forearms and just held him. I wouldn't kill Aaron again unless I was pushed to it. That was the only reason I killed him in the first place, he attacked me. He sat there staring at me, shaking.

"Y... Yuma?" I nodded and looked him up and down. He looked so worn, so sore. His throat appeared to be red in a perfect ring clear around it. I went to reach for the reddened flesh but he flinched violently. "oh my god. Please don't kill me. I'm sorry I even came here please just leave me alone." I sighed as I heard gasps around the room.

"Aaron. I'm here to help you. I'm not going to hurt you. The only reason I hurt you when you first came here was because you attacked me. Calla asked me for help to make you better. You seemed to have been in a small coma but I was able to pull you out of it. You should be alright now."

I let go of his arms and stood up, giving him space. He just say there looking around at the people around us. Calla softly laid him back down and checked him over. "He's not hurt in any other way. He's clear Sonny." Sonny smiled then wrapped Aaron in her arms. At least someone was going to be there for him as he recovered. I left to go back to my place shortly after.

As I reached my door I saw Jett standing near the woods. Tilting my head I went up to him. I was hit with a strange feeling. It hurt in a way but it was dull, tiring, draining. Jett seemed to be feeling the same thing because he looked up with tired eyes. "Jett are you okay?"

"Not really. I feel bad. I lied to you last night. I um... my shoulder was dislocated as well. It wasn't just my forearm."He hung his head then looked me in the eye.

"I don't hold that against you. You were scared Jett. But is anything else bothering you? I have a strange feeling..."

"Coming from the woods? Yeah. Me too. What do you think it is?" I shrugged and motioned for him to follow me. We went really deep into those dark woods. Those woods were just so strange at night. They were hot and damp which was just weird. I brushed my hair out of my face, glancing back at Jett who was keeping pace with me. "What are we looking for Yuma?"

"I don't know Jett. But I think we'll know..." I felt my foot sink into a soft deep hole. I looked down and saw a shovel and a six foot long hole. "when we see it..." I stepped back and Jett came to my side.

"is this?"

" a grave? Yeah. Has to be. Come on help me." we took turns digging until we got to a wrapped up blanket. Jett backed up not wanting to be the one to touch it. I had no problem doing it. I leaned down and pulled the blanket back, revealing a body. A middle aged man, around thirty or so, with light blonde hair, and he was extremely pale. The paleness of his skin even in death was too pale. He had lost a lot of blood before be died from the looks of it. I tugged on the blanket and it showed his neck.

" Are those bites?" Jett leaned down and pointed to two small red, blood crusted circles on the base of his throat. I nodded and tilted his head. Vampire. A vampire killed him. That's illegal. They can't kill. "what did it Yuma? Don't tell me there are actually vampires here."

"of course there are vampires here. You know with you being a demon I would expect you to know about the vampires by now." I started to think. I have to report this. I don't think Calla would kill but what about Sonny? Would Sonny kill so recklessly? You know probably. But what if there is a new vampire? I can't risk the town's safety. "Jett we have to report this. We can't let this go unseen. Come on."

I had never ran so fast in my life. Jett and I didn't even cover the grave back we just ran to my house. I simply kicked the door open instead of fighting the lock. Scarlett jumped up from the couch. I didn't even pay attention to her as I ran down into a secret base. Jett was right behind me the whole time. Quickly we lit a fire place and I through in a huge cluster of herbs. The smoke changed color and the fire began to growl, Turning black. Then the voice,

"What is needed Yuma? We have not heard from you in many moons."

"There has been a murder."

"Of what by what?"

"A human by a vampire."

The fire shot up as if in anger, "What vampire?"

"w..we Don't know." I stuttered.

"I'm sending an elf. He will find out who killed the human and punish them accordingly. Help him." I let out a breath that I was holding as the fire dimmed then went out. Behind me Scarlett slapped Jett.

"What the fuck was that?!" She went to hit him again but Jett grabbed her by the arm and tossed her away.

"Ask him! And stop hitting me!"

" It's a way to report illegal activities to the highest people in the land, the elves. They are in charge of keeping peace and dealing with criminals. Now come we have to go meet the elf that they sent." I ran back upstairs and silently prayed that they actually sent an elf that could get the job done.

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