37. Do Villains Actually Learn?

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***Author's Note I am not sorry at all for this chapter. These people need to die so we are gonna get that taken care of. Hope you can handle just a couple more chapters. See ya Sweet Hearts <3***

Calla's POV

I was running across the field in as fast of laps as I could. I used anything I could, knives I had stashed away, my nails, my teeth anything to kill as many vampires as I could. I was just now realizing just how many there were. Hundreds of them were dead but there were still so many. We couldn't win this. We had to take out the ones that had power. I stopped and listened. Even though my ears still hurt from Yuma roaring I was able to focus and found where everyone was. Each were busy except Leonard. But I didn't want to fight him if I had the option. Suddenly Deric slammed into me, wrapping his hands in my hair and tossing me like a rag doll.

"oh dear sister. How much fun it will be to watch our father cut you down the center. Why don't we see how that goes now." He grabbed me around the shoulders and began to try to drag me toward our father. I dug my heels into the damp earth as Deric tried to drag me to Leonard. His grip tightening more and more on my wrists as I thrashed.

"Calla stop. Just give in and you might live." He ground his teeth and grunted lowly.

"No! Let me Die! I'm not going back to him!" I screamed and yanked myself away from him. I ran passed him using my speed. I was across the field and standing in front of Leonard by myself. My breathing went ragged. I hated this man. I wanted him dead. Out of everyone in my entire life he made me suffer the most.

"Ahh look who has came back to her father."

"You are not my father! You left me! Made me suffer so much. I should do the same to you!" I put my hand to my waist where I had stashed a knife. I lunged forward trying to stab him but he swatted me away. My back slamming into the ground as he pinned me there. I could smell the blood all over him, so many familiar scents lingered on his breath. I felt sick to my stomach as I picked up my friends' scents in the blood. I kicked and thrashed hard, bringing my knees up into his chest to get him off. He stumbled back a bit and then slipped on the uneven ground, not being aware of his surroundings.

I stood up, smiling. "Remember what you told me Dad?" I whispered. He shook his head slightly. "Always know what is around you." I said as I kicked him in the chest, the heel of my boot actually breaking the chestplate he wore. He stumbled back again.

"Kill her!" He yelled to the men around him. They rushed me but I merely dodged and their swords went deep into their comrades.

"The most effective offense is sometimes defence." I said as I walked closer to him. I kicked his feet out from under him when he lashed out at me. "Timing is key." I grabbed him and tossed him into the surrounding forest. His head snapped forward at an unnatural angle, breaking if he were human. "Power is everything." I took hold of his ankle and felt it snap when I twisted it . He screamed, gathering the attention of the warriors. Their heads snapped toward us but none moved. I pinned him down, holding his body in place with my weight. "Don't you remember telling me all of those things when you were training me? No?" I looked at him and he just was shaking his head wildly, desperately trying to escape me. "Oh I see you remember one of them don't you?"

"You wouldn't." He said as he pulled a knife I didn't know he had. I threw myself backwards until I was off of him. He threw the knife toward me and it cut the side of my arm, making blood run down my bare forearm. With that I threw my knife that I hid in my boot. It finished shattering his chest plate so it was totally useless.

"I wouldn't?! Who told me to be cold? Heartless? Remember that Leonard?! Because you should!" I quietly started to laugh. "But what does that matter. I'll show you how heartless I really am." Yelling sounded behind me and I turned, snatching Deric by his sword which he was trying to drive through my back. "Say goodbye to your dad Deric." I whispered as I threw him forward, his sword breaking through Leonard's armor and into his chest. Blood splattered and sprayed all over me and Deric. Deric stood there in shock. He tried to pull his sword from our father's chest but I tighten my hold on him. "Pull it out and I will end you the same way." I told him menacingly. He froze and was forced to watch the life drain out of Leonard's eyes until he went limp against the ground, dead.

"You are a monster! You know that Calla?" He said, breathing out in ragged sobs.

"I know I am but I have a question for you too. Who made me become this monster Deric? Was it Dad alone? No. If you weren't such a perfect little boy then maybe they wouldn't have turned me into this heartless beast you all like to call me. This, all of these people dying, is your fault too. Not just mine or theirs. Yours!" He closed his eyes and I took my chance. I kicked his legs out from under him, making him get down in front of me. I took hold of the end of the blade and the hilt. Slowly forcing it closer and closer to his pale neck. His hands grabbed at the part that was going to cut him but i rubbed it back and forth, slicing open his hands. With no other option he let go and I tilted his head back.

"Calla Please..."

"See you in Hell little brother." I whispered as my hands jerked, cutting clear through his throat. Dark blood poured down his front as he choked and gasped as the sword cut true. He soon fell on top of Leonard dead.

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