38...This is It....

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***NEXT TO LAST CHAPTER GUYS!! Keep going and oh my gosh Book_Mystery I'm sorry sweet Heart. It's time... It's time for the last Deaths... I am ready for these people to die. Oh my gosh I'll see you soon Sweet Hearts <3***


Knives, swords, blood, and limbs all littered the ground underneath me. The sun began to set behind us as I spread my wings wider, knocking back many of the vampires trying to reach the rest of the group. Wear is Calla? I asked Jett.

"She ran off!" He screamed up to me. Him and Damian were struggling to hold back the forces that had gotten by me. I looked around searching for something anything that could show where Calla was. I saw body after body. Aaron laid dying in Ari's arms, Scarlett dead and bloody on the ground far out into the field beside the elf she tried so hard to save, so many dead vampires scattered out across the entire area. Then I saw what I needed to see. Calla was standing up, sword in hand, over top a dead Leonard and Deric.

Leonard and Deric are dead. I said to everyone. For a moment everything forze. The vampires stopped their attacks and moved back to form a tight circle around Sonny. Hurriedly, I shifted back into my human form.

"Damian!" Jett screamed loudly behind me. I turned in time to see Damian fall to the ground. I ran back to where they were and saw more blood than I wanted to. Blood was pulsing out of his armor.

"Get it off of him. Hurry i have to see how bad it is." I crouched down in front of Jett as he tried to undo the armor.

"It won't come off!" I saw him yank harder and harder but he was right, it wouldn't budge. I summoned my demon strength and ripped at the armor with him. Giving up we ripped the entire set apart. Damian was in really bad shape. He was coughing up blood and some even dripping from his nose. "Damian shh. Its okay."

"What happened? I was shifting and didn't see anything." I moved his torn shirt and noticed that it wasn't just blood seeping out of him. It was his black magic.

"A lone vampire got by. It dodged me and got to him. I couldn't stop him. It just tore into him and wouldn't stop. I just killed him and now... now"

"Jett calm down. Just stop crying it's going to be okay." I tried to comfort Jett but he just wouldn't stop crying. He was so sad. He was losing the one person he had cared about through this entire fight.

"How can I calm down when his magic is physically dripping out of his stomach?!" He screamed at me. I placed my hands against Damian's wound and tried to keep pressure there. He struggled against us a little bit. I was having trouble figuring out if I was even helping. The blood was just bubbling out of him. Jett pulled him up closer to his face. He placed his face gently against the side of Damian's neck as he sobbed louder. "I'm so sorry. This should have been me."

"J...Jett stop. Don't cry... I knew I was in... for this fight." Damian's breathing was going crazy. He was gasping and trying like hell to stay alive but his struggling wasn't doing enough to keep him alive.

"Jett, it's too much. I don't know if I can do anything."

"Please just try. That's all I ask Yuma. Please I don't want to lose him." I sighed in defeat. I really wanted to help but there was no way I could stop this much damage. I took a deep breath and pushed harder with one hand and felt Damian's pulse... too weak...


"No. Don't tell me that!" I looked back down at Damian. His eyes were full of tears as he tried to sit against Jett. Both of them lost all of their power and began to cry together. Jett pulled him up against his chest and dug his fingers into Damian's hair. "Don't go. Please you are the only thing I have left. Please just don't do it. Hold on."

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