21. Salvage

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*authors note - THE SHIP IS SAILING KIND OF!!! Be ready for a plot twist next Chapter. Brace yourselves for weird. SweetHearts<3**

Yuma's POV.

I teleported Calla inside my house. I'm not even sure yet how badly she is hurt but I do know that she needs help now. I brought her to my basement so she would be hidden from Damian if he got away from Jett. I didn't think it was likely but I wasn't risking it. When I had her sit down she began to cry more. I felt so terrible watching her cry. I had never seen her cry before this moment. She just seemed to be the kind of person who didn't cry, didn't show how much things really hurt. Which I guess was true.

"Can you get me other clothes Yuma? My house is unlocked." I took a strained breath. I didn't want to leave her alone but she did need to get out of that dress so I could help with her wounds.

"Yeah. I'll be right back. Don't let anyone in." I sighed and ran up the stairs. Scarlett had yet to come back so I didn't have to worry about her working Calla up anymore than what she already was. I went down the street and like Calla said her door was unlocked. I went inside and just looked around. It was so dark inside that it almost made me uneasy. Deciding that I hate being in the house by myself I ran up the stairs to her bedroom to get her clothes. I found a small dresser in the corner that had a ton of shirts and some jeans in it so I just took a pair of each. Quickly I went back to my house and into the basement. Calla was standing in the bathroom and was washing her hands. There was so much blood in the sink. I sat her clothes down in the chair and went in the bathroom behind her. I could see the deep slices that cut through her hands were still bleeding. I went up behind her and she glanced up in the mirror. Her dark blue eyes made contact with my hazel-green ones. She tried to smile but bit her lip as the water hit directly on the wound.

"Here Calla. Let me help." I took her forearms gently in my grasp and put her hands under the water more. She leaned back against me and took a deep breath as I washed the blood away. When it finally seemed to stop for the moment I pulled her away from the sink. I quickly got the first aid kit I had under my kitchen sink and started to get ready to treat the wounds. Calla sat down on the couch and looked at her hands. I sat down beside her, sitting the kit on the small table beside us. She eyed it for a moment before looking back at me.

"How bad does it hurt?" I asked as I got a small bottle of liquid out of the kit along with gauze and a stretch wrap.

"Pretty bad. It's like a seven or an eight if you want me to scale it." I nodded and took her left hand in my grasp. I made sure not to touch the wounds directly yet. I picked up the bottle of liquid and shook it.

"This is probably going to hurt, Calla. Just be ready, Okay?" Her fingers wrapped around the edge of the couch, making the crimson liquid seep in. She nodded and I put the liquid on her cuts. She gasped and threw her head back. I saw her fangs form and she began to bite her lip violently. Slowly tears started to fill her eyes. I couldn't help the pain because I was being as gentle as I physically could be. I was barely touching her at all. When I wiped away the liquid I dabbed the cuts until they were dry. That's when I carefully began to wrap her hand. She buried her face into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath as I took her other hand. I did the exact same thing again but I tried to talk to her to distract her.

"Calla how is it only your hands are cut?" She sighed and leaned in closer to me.

"I have bruises too. But I just kept putting my hands between my body and that damn magic shadow whip he was hitting me with." Calla whimpered as I tightened the gauze and wrap around both hands.

"How bad are the bruises?" I asked and slid a little closer to her.

"Not bad. They don't hurt that much."

"Just because they don't hurt doesn't mean they aren't bad. Do you think I should see them?" I wanted to make sure she was okay. I didn't want to do a half ass job of caring for her when she really seemed to need me. She lightly shook her head.

"You've done more than what you needed to. I'll be okay." She sat up a bit on her own and then asked if I would leave so she could get changed. I usually would have fought and said that I should help but I don't want to work her up when she has been through so much in one day. So I left the room but stayed just outside the door. After a moment I went up and changed out of my dress clothes as well. I just tossed them on my bed and put on my normal blue V-neck T-shirt and a pair of Jeans. I went back down and saw Calla sitting back down with a grey long sleeve shirt and a pale pair of Jeans. I sat down beside her again and looked at her hands. No blood had seeped through yet so maybe it had finally stopped.

We sat there together for a few minutes just looking at each other. I couldn't believe how quickly everything had changed in a matter of hours. I mean I just found out that Calla murdered someone and here I am sitting right beside not afraid in the least. She leaned over and rested her head against my shoulder. She let out a small sigh and then whispered, "You didn't have to help me Yuma. You didn't even have to come looking for me."

"But it was the right thing to do. And for once I thought I should do some good." She slid closer and I gently gripped her bandaged hand.

"I can't say thank you enough." I tilted my head over on top of hers and took a deep breath.

I began to stroke her pretty long hair as the minutes ticked by. The golden curls wrapped tightly around my fingers as I brushed a lock from in front of her beautiful blue eyes. Their deep blue color was so easy to get lost in as we sat there. I'm just being a good friend. I kept telling myself. This is just because it's the right thing to do. No one should be left alone like that to be in pain. The more I tried to convince myself of this the more I denied it. I did this for another reason but I didn't know what it really was. The last time I was this close to her I felt straight lust, but now it wasn't the same. I wanted to hold her here on this couch for the rest of the night if not for the rest of the week just to make sure she was okay. That wasn't a friendly thing to do and it sure wasn't something someone who was only lusting after someone did.

"Yuma?" Calla's soft voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?" I nodded to her. "I don't believe you. What's wrong?"

"I'm just lost in thought. That's all."

I then found myself leaning toward her. My hand rested comfortably in the middle of her thigh as I went closer. My breath creased her cheek as I became only centimeters from her face. She smiled and leaned forward pressing her soft lips to mine. I didn't even mean for this to happen. I was just drawn forward . She tilted her head to the right and kissed me hard. We made out like this for a few minutes before we had to pull away to breathe.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." Calla said.

"What do you mean?"

"You have a girlfriend Yuma." I laughed quietly and pulled her closer again, letting my lips brush against her ear.

"No I don't. That girl is my sister. I'm completely single Calla." she smiled happily and pressed her head into my shoulder again. Before I knew it she was asleep against me and I followed suit.

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