22. A Dangerous Change.

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** Author's Note - I am posting this whole I'm sick so I'm not rereading it to check for errors and I'm not bugging my friend to it for me. In this chapter Yuma changes to become way more dangerous than what he was which I mean how is that possible when demons are already so powerful? Well just read and find out. Until next time SweetHearts <3**

Yuma's POV.

I woke up that next morning to an awful scratching sound. I opened my eyes and saw Calla laying on me. Her long hair was everywhere. I smiled and brushed a small lock behind her ear. She looked so peaceful. Then a loud crack echoed through the room. I sat up, careful to not move her. I saw the egg I had on the far side of the room begin to shake violently. "Shit." I whispered and slid out from under Calla. I covered her with a blanket so she would think I was still with her. When she didn't move I went to the other side of the room toward the noise.

That's when I saw the egg was on the floor. I tilted my head as I looked at it. I had it secured so well. How the hell did it fall? I looked at the straps that used to be wrapped around the egg. They were literally burnt, melted almost. Cautiously I touched the straps. They were cool now, that or being a demon came with a little bit of heat bonus but I had never risked hurting myself to find out. I sat them down again and turned back toward the egg. It was just sitting on the floor doing nothing so i thought maybe the heat lamps got too hot. I reached down to pick up the egg. When my palms came in contact with the smooth, black surface it burnt like hell. The heat spread clear through the whole egg and into my hands, rushing up my arms. I bit my lip and sat the egg back where it was. I shook my hands and saw how red they were. Shaking my hands I tried to cool them down but it just hurt. When the heat subsided I knew something was wrong. I went to my calculations and noticed how long it had taken for the egg to reach this point. It was almost a week over it's hatch date and was around two weeks behind. A loud bang sounded from inside the egg. I turned on my heel and saw the egg thrashing wildly. I might have bit off a bit too much to handle. The thermometer to the right of the egg jumped drastically. The temperature went higher and higher until there was an awful sound coming from the egg. To my surprise Calla didn't move an inch. It was like I was the only one who could hear this sound.

I covered my ears but it didn't help. The sound began to pierce through my mind to the point where I felt dizzy. Another loud crack echoed. I curled in on myself, desperate to stop this sound. After another moment it became silent. I lifted my head and there, sitting on the pedestal was a bright blue dragon. I was stunned at the sight. It stood up and walked right up to me, shaking it's large scale covered self. Even though I wanted to I refused to show fear. The dragon was huge compared to the egg. How on earth did it get to be six or seven feet tall when it was in a two foot long egg?! That is impossible. The dragon took a deep breath through its nose, making a shudder rush through each if my limbs.

"Don't worry. He knows you Yuma." I turned around and saw a man standing at the base of the stairs. I stood frozen between the dragon and him. "He knows you're the one that hatched him so he will be loyal to you, but there is an issue." He walked up closer to me. He went right passed Calla not giving her a second glance as he became only about three feet from me.

"What do you mean? And who the hell are you?" I took a step back toward the dragon and looked at Calla. I had no idea how she was still asleep after all of this. Seeming to notice my worry he stopped right at the edge of the couch she was sleeping on. He looked down at her, seeing the white wrappings around her palms.

He chuckled softly to himself before turning back to me. "She might be another issue. But we can worry about that later. Now, you want more than just a pet dragon correct?" I didn't respond. I had thought about risking the dragon to combine it with myself, in hopes of becoming more powerful but decided against it. "Oh come on Yuma. Don't be so quiet. Plus I'll give you a dragon's abilities for a very low price."

"What do you mean by that?"

"ahh you do have a voice and are willing to use it. Well I would allow you to take my inner dragon."

" Why? Why would you want rid of something so powerful and helpful?" I thought being a dragon would be something great. People wouldn't cross you if they knew what you were hiding beneath your skin. They would fear you.

"Yuma. I was born with my dragon which makes me immortal. I am tired of living. I have seen everything on this earth and way more than most ever wish to see. I am tired and if you want my dragon I would gladly let you have it."

"Why though?"

"Why so many questions?"

"Because I am not signing up for something I don't want without knowing what I need to about it."

"It's very simple Yuma. You will be able to summon the strength, speed and agility of the dragon at will like your demon. But you will also have an actual dragon form that you could shift into if needed. The only payment for this that I need is for you to kill me afterward."

"That's it? Your not playing with your words, hiding anything from me?" He shook his head slowly and reached out touching my shoulder, whispering

"I just want to die Yuma. You are the only one who would actually do it for the price of this dragon that I am." I took a deep breath. I did want the power he was offering. That wasn't a doubt. My doubt laid within the fact that I would kill this man to get these powers and that may put me in a similar position as Calla. I didn't want to risk my freedom when I was needed to help her so... what do I do? Then again if I had these powers I could finally get everything I ever wanted. I could rule this town just like I had always been planning to do and it would happen in a much cleaner manner. A lot less poisoning would happen if I did this. I looked back at Calla asleep on the couch. What would she think if I did this? I shook my head. I wasn't going to let other people make a decision that was completely mine.

"Fine. I'll do it. How do I have to kill you?" The man smiled evilly and I felt like I made a terrible mistake. He walked up to me very slowly. This cause me to move back, still not trusting him. My back hit the wall near my bookcases and I drew a sharp breath. His hand was now outstretched, only inches away from me. He placed it on the center of my chest and shoved me back into the wall harder. My hands locked around his wrist and I tried to shove him back. "What are you doing?"

"Hush Yuma. You'll understand in a moment." with that I saw scales begin to run down his arm... they were huge and bright blue. My breath shook slightly as this heat started to spread into my chest from his hand. In panic I kicked and thrashed and shoved at him but he wouldn't allow me to escape. To keep me still he placed his leg between mine and put pressure there. "This won't take long." His fingers turned into long sharp dragon claws. They broke through the skin of my chest and into the muscle. I gasped and thrashed at the pain that seeped into me. It felt almost like lightning was entering my body. I threw my head back as his nails slid in even further, close to breaking my chest bones. I began to slip down against the wall as the blood dripped through my shirt. He held up all my weight with his leg and the hand in my chest.

"Toru ji bun no seikatsu soshite ni ritan watashi ataeru kimi wa jin bun no doragon."

*** translates to " take my life and in return I give you my dragon"***

"I barely understood what he was saying as the pain and heat became too much for my body to handle. I collapsed to the floor. He still didn't let go of me though. When I glanced up at him he smiled again and a look of bliss covered his face. Then it was literally like lightning had hit me in the chest. It shot clear through me and I felt blackness start to consume me. The last thing I remember was hearing a loud this as his claws pulled out of my chest and he fell to the ground.

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