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Sonny POV
I can't believe that he is actually letting me take Aaron. He is so stupid. I carried Aaron's dead body out of Yuma's basement. Yuma seemed so confused as I walked toward my house. He was a fool, too distracted by Calla for his own good. I knew if I kept his eyes focussed on her he would never suspect me of anything. I kicked my door open and laid Aaron on the table that I used to bleed my victims. I didn't hide who I was like Calla. I was proud of what I was and I would never hide it.

I smiled and I walked to the cupboard and picked up a potion I had brewed earlier. I went to Aaron's side and plucked a piece of his hair then put it in through the mouth of the bottle. I reheated it slowly. It changed from a deep rich red to a bright almost eye burning yellow. I smiled devilishly knowing it was ready. I slowly lifted his head cradling him in my arms and pressed the bottle to his lips. I watched as the liquid drizzled down his throat. After about half of the potion was down him his body jerked violently. Yes that's right Aaron. Come back to life. Just keep drinking. I continued to force him to drink as he struggled to get away. He needed every drop of the option or the full effect wouldn't happen. I smiled and choked down the urge to laugh as I watched his eyes widen in fear as he was revived. Keep drinking you bitch. If you don't I'll kill you again. Finally the whole bottle was down him and I released him. He looked up at me in shock.

" What just happened?" He looked around shaking his head. It was clear he was trying to remember but not much would come.

"I just saved you and you now owe me a lot."

"How do I owe You? I didn't ask you to save me."

"Oh Aaron. You act like you excepted death. I know the truth that you are hiding in your head. You don't want to die alone. You act like right now you aren't thinking about finding the mate that you so desperately want."

" How do you know that!"

" I know a lot Aaron. I even know what you look like as your wolf self." I smiled as I heard a growl erupt from his throat.

"No one, NO ONE KNOWS THAT!" He stood up and came toward me. His growls became more and more menacing the closer he came. I allowed him to get all the way up to my face and I flashed my eyes from my pale blue to bright almost fire orange. It was a form that I had that allowed me to transform into whatever I pleased. In shock Aaron's eyes flashed red and he backed away, his wolf dangerously close to the surface.

"Come on Aaron. Show me that wolf." I taunted him as I went closer, forcing him back toward the wall. He began to whimper as his wolf started to jump inside of him.

"I don't want to..." Aaron covered his face with his hands as his back hit the wall. I continued forward and he slid down the wall, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible. I crouched down In front of him. His body began to shake and he covered his eyes only. I knew I had him changing form. "don't make me do this. Please." I reached out and pulled his hands away from his eyes.

"That's a good boy." I saw his eyes had stayed red and then his ears formed. He tried to break free from my grasp but I wouldn't allow it. I brushed his hair behind his new wolf ears and went closer, only inches from his face now. I watched as he relaxed in my hold, knowing he couldn't hide anymore.

" Are you happy now?" Aaron looked up at me with his blood red eyes.

"very." I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Now, I am going to get something. You stay here or I'll kill you." he nodded and watched me walk across the room. I went down my hallway to my bedroom. Inside a drawer in my dresser I had three shock collars. I took the one that had the highest voltage and went back to the kitchen. Aaron had gotten up and sat down on the couch, running his hands through his brown hair. When he heard me his head snapped up. His eyes locked on the collar I'm my hand.

" No no don't please." Aaron shook his head but didn't try to escape when I was in front of him.

" Okay listen to me. I won't use this on you unless you disobey me. I call the shots now. You will do as I say or else..." I pressed the button and the collar shocked the air. He whimpered but nodded. I wrapped the collar around his neck and locked it in place. He reached up to touch where it locked and I pressed the button. He gasped in shock and fell onto the floor.

"What?" He gripped the whole collar and glanced up at my face.

"Rule one don't touch the lock." I acted like I was going to press the button again and he released his hold. "Good. Rule two stay away from Yuma. He'll kill you again if he sees you. Rule three Calla is off limits. Don't go near her unless I give you permission. I'll let you know about more rules as they are needed. Now, come. You can stay in my room." I lead him to my room. He didn't like the idea of being in my room and tried to get away from it. I growled violently and shoved him inside. Without another word I slammed the door, locked it, and went to sleep on the couch. Having a wolf is going to be fun. I wonder what kind of damage I can get him to do...

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