26. The Full Moon

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***Authors Note. Hey guys. Umm a couple things. I'm seeking help for an issue I have so I won't be able to have as many updates as often but I'll still be trying. Anyway this part of the story is a Lemon!!! If you don't know what that is it is sex. So! Be ready I will warn you when you are reaching the point where it gets bad so just be ready. And the song is dirty as well. See yea next Chapter Sweet Hearts <3***

Aaron's POV.

The light shone through the window as I rolled over on the couch I had slept on. The annoyance of the light made me wake up all the way. I looked around, remembering that I had stayed the night at Ari's house. Her and I had grown incredibly close in the past few days, I've been with her since the dance, and I am starting to think I might love her. I'm not sure though. I'm too used to being taken advantage of to know if this is anything different. I really wanted it to be different with her. Ari was everything I needed in a mate. She was strong, independent, sweet, not to mention hot.

I stood up, pulling my shirt back on and glancing down the hallway toward her room. Suddenly a sharp pain hit my stomach. Instantly I ran to the coffee table in the middle of the room, desperate to find a calendar. After digging through the drawer inside the coffee table I pulled one out. I looked at the moon circles in the corners of the days, realizing something terrible. Tomorrow night was the full moon. I could feel how bad this was in the pit if my stomach. I was going to want to mate with her so much that I probably wouldn't be able to control myself. I had never been able to keep good control when I was around anyone during the moon so now... I'm screwed.

I heard a soft groan from back the hallway and hurried to circle the line between tomorrow and the day after. "You still here Aaron?" Ari asked from back the hall.

"Yeah. I'm still here. I'm in the living room." I said putting the calendar back. I went back the hallway to her room and saw Ari sitting up on her teal Paris bed spread. "You need something?"

"No. I just wanted to know if you were still here or if you left. Are you coming back here tomorrow?"

I nodded and leaned down toward her. "If you want me to." I whispered half seductively as my lips brushed her nose. She turned bright red and made a strange noise. Laughing I let my lips wander down her nose and down to her lips. I waited for a moment seeing her reaction. She leaned forward and made my lips meet with hers. Quickly she wrapped her arms around my neck and curled his fingers into my spiky, messy hair. When she kissed me I felt like I would lose all control for the rest of my life. The heat from her was coming through her shirt, through mine, and warming my skin more than normal. Unable to fight my instincts I pinned her down in the bed and bit her lips roughly. She growled when I tasted a small hint of blood. I didn't want to go all the way in her when I wasn't even dating her but damn I NEEDED her. I forcefully pulled myself back before I let myself get too worked up.

"Damn it Aaron." Ari growled as I backed up.

"I'm sorry Ari but I can't do that right now. I need to go actually." it was all lies. I wanted to do that to her. I wanted to stay. FUCK I wanted to have sex with her now. Her scent was just so strong and intoxicating. She growled violently as I ran out the door.

Ari's POV

I sat there completely dumbfounded on my bed as Aaron ran out the door. My face was red and I was just so pissed. My whole body was shaking from how close to Aaron I just was and I loved it. I wanted to chase him down and yank him back on top of me but I knew better. I wasn't about to chase someone. That wasn't my job, I was to be chased. I got up and called my friends and had them come over since I was so mad.

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