9. Back to normal, maybe.

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**Author's Note - Okay here we go. This is finally the time that Calla leaves her house. She has been in there since the Yuma incidence and now she is trying to get back to normal. Also if you are into like shipping or whatever then you might be having a new Calla ship by the end of this. This is Jett by the way. So have fun and I'll see you next Chapter SweetHearts <3**

Calla's POV

It seemed to be an eternity since I had the courage to leave my house again. I hated this. I hated feeling so weak and vulnerable, but I needed to go to work. I walked slowly to the bar in a dark blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of black jeans. When I reached the bar I walked to the bar and talked quietly to Sonny. "Anything happen recently."

"We got some new boys in town and I must say one is amazingly hot with his chiseled jawline." I stared at Sonny in total disbelief. She was never one to get caught up in anything about boys, but looks was something I never expected. She smiled and nodded her head to two guys entering the bar. The one she was referring to was clearly the smaller of the two. I wasn't as impressed by him but I mean he was pretty good looking. The other boy though, the taller boy caught my eye. He looked right at me and smiled. Well. Um.. I guess hi to you too. I smiled sweetly back as he leaned against the bar In front of me.

"I need a job application, please." I listened closely to his voice and I mean it was normal I suppose semi deep but also still a bit high which told me that he was younger than what I at first expected. Looking at him I realized he reminded me of Yuma in quite a few aways. Nowhere near as good looking as Yuma in my opinion but still decent.

"Here you go." I handed him a form for a bartender opening and he shook his head half laughing.

"I actually am here for another job. I heard you are looking for guys to um..." he rubbed his legs together clearly not knowing how to say what he needed to. But I caught on and smiled.

"Okay come downstairs with me then." I guided him down the spiral staircase to the stripper area. "this is where we work. I'm kind of in charge down here since I have been here longer than the others. So come with me and I'll get you the forms that you'll need." He nodded and walked into my room where I got ready. Inside the bedside table I had a thing of six papers that he had to fill out.

"Thank you." He took them and sat down slowly filling them out. I watched over his shoulder, not trying to make him uncomfortable but really wanting to know about him. Name Jett Shriver, Age 22 , previous experience: worked at another joint in Emerald City. Was the only male there and was constantly being called upon. Any personal preference in your work: not really but I do prefer to be a private but it's totally up to my employer. Also I prefer not being alone with the men. Interesting. Well at least I know some stuff about him now. When he finished I took the papers and sat them on a desk in another room. That was where our boss worked and he wasn't going to be at work today. I went back to my room and saw Jett was still sitting there.

"Um.. my boss won't be in today so you'll have to wait until tomorrow or the day after to start work. I'll make sure to let you know."

"That's fine but I kinda need to talk to someone who has lived here for a while."

"About what? If I know the subject then I might be able to help you." For some reason I started to feel nervous. I was on edge every second afraid that I would have to explain to Yuma, afraid I would run into Leonard, afraid of my own emotions... there was just a lot I was dealing with.

"Has anything been going on in this town? I just keep having this feeling that something bad is going to happen and I mean you don't have any kind of authorities in this town and what if something does happen?" Jett brushed his hair out of his face, revealing his pretty eyes. I sighed and sat down beside him.

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