11. Jett's Past.

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***Author's Note- well to start off with I want to say thank you to Book_Mystery for the shout out on their new chapter. Even though I probably don't deserve it. Now onto about this chapter. This is part two and I really have to warn you guys. This chapter is not for the faint of heart. Some stuff gets mentioned here that is mature so it's just a warning. The cover photo is what Jett's eyes look like when he summons or looses control of his demon. Please leave your thoughts on this chapter. This one I really worked hard on for my friend and it means a lot to me actually. So see you soon SweetHearts<3***

Jett's POV

Flashback Dream
I was just standing there. It was my first day and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I had never danced before. I was just swaying my hips because I had no idea. I was only fifteen, who the hell is good at shit like this when they are fifteen?! I watched the girls doing their jobs but it didn't feel right. A guy a little older than me walked in and stared right at me. I rubbed my arms not liking his gaze.

"This one," he whispered seductively to my boss. I watched in terror as he came up onto the stage and pulled me off by my arm. I was in panic. He led me out of the club and to his house. It was old but clean at least. He forced me to sit as he got a bottle from the fridge. "drink this now." He told me, passing the bottle. I smelled it. It was disgusting. When I tried to refuse he forced it to my lips and made me swallow. I gagged at the taste and watched as he sat the bottle down.

"Come with me." He drug me into his room. Once inside I knew what was going to happen and I wanted to run. I wanted out of this hell hole but there was no way out. He shoved me down onto the bed and pinned my hands above my head. He pressed his lips hard against mine and I started to struggle. I refused to do this. Dancing was one thing this was rape. I fought harder but he hit me. Something flared inside of my stomach that I couldn't control. I pulled my hands free and shoved him away. I was not letting this happen. I ran out of the man's house and away from that town.

Three years later I was working at a normal job in Emerald City. It was a beautiful place that I loved a lot. That is until I saw Him again. He came in as a new employee and I was to train him. "don't make me train him please. Sarah is better at this then me please." my boss would have none of it. So I tried to train him but it ended badly.

I was showing him how to use the mixer when I felt something up against my throat, a knife. I held perfectly still as he forced me into the cold freezer. "Undress now. I won't be denied again." I refused but he had me pinned to the wall before I could stop him. He had gotten on his knees and was undoing my belt. My breath quicken as I felt him unbutton my jeans. That feeling hit my stomach again but so much harder this time. When he reached for my boxers a jolt of energy passes through my body and into his, making him scream in agony. I had no control over it. It shocked clear through his body and back into mine. That was the most painful thing I had ever felt. After a moment of getting over the shock I saw that he wasn't breathing. I killed a man.... How on earth did i kill a man when I didn't do anything? I had to hide the body...

"Satan!" my mother screamed in my face as I told her what happened. Get out of my head! I began to scream at myself as the thoughts got stronger. I needed to kill. I had to do it. Ever since I killed Daniel in the freezer this shock has been forcing me to want to kill. I bit my lip as my mom picked up her crucifix and came toward me.

"Mom?" I asked as she began chanting something. I reached toward her but when my hand grazed the cross it stung. "Mom what is happening?" She continued forward forcing me out of the door. I felt like I should cry but I needed to be strong. If I gave into weakness I would kill so many people. The rain started just as she poured a ring of salt around the house so I couldn't get back inside. "Mom please!"

I thrashed awake but realized I couldn't move. I had chains locked around each of my wrists and my ankles binding me to the corner of the cage. I looked around and realized that I was in some kind of basement. There was a table in the middle of the room with chains similar to the ones I had on and another cage in the opposite corner of me. As i looked at the table I could make out something dripping from it, blood. I began to struggle, straining against the chains until I felt one link snap. Okay come on. Just a couple more. I focussed harder on releasing my right wrist. When I freed it I heard something up stairs directly above me.

Loud screams broke through the floorboards. I pulled on the chains around my ankle then heard growling. What the hell is going on? I spread out my perception very slowly so it wouldn't drain me of all my energy. If I was getting out of here I had to figure out what the hell was going on. First I found Sonny. She was standing almost at a doorway. I could feel that she was a strange mix of emotions, sad, angry and proud. I didn't understand so I kept searching. That's when I found a wolf. I knew it was a wolf because he has the same kind of feelings that Tycer always shared. I could feel that he was guilty about something. He had just hurt someone and he didn't want to. That's when the last person came into my perception... Ren. Ren was laying on the floor, his breath shaking violently. I had no idea what was going on until he stood up. Suddenly this rush of emotion hit me. It was the same as Tycer.

Th...they turned Ren. They made him a werewolf. I couldn't understand so I brought my perception back in. I had to get out. I heard them start mumbling something then a door clicked. Fuck me...

** Author's Note - I feel so bad for typing this. Oh my god. Why did my friends let me do this?!**

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