Winter Special

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“Back in my hometown, we didn’t have this. It was always sunny and warm”

“So you’re saying it’s too cold for you here?”

“It is very cold indeed.” I held his hand, gave him a small twirl, and hugged him from behind. “But long as you keep wearing these fluffy sweaters, I don’t mind it”

I breathed into his neck and kissed him gently there. He tilted his head, giving me the space I need.

When the thunderbolt struck, I felt Evan’s body shake from the inside outwards. We were standing at the floor-to-ceiling living room window, relishing how the lightning was slashing through the grey blankets of clouds.

I lifted up my shirt and covered his head and then slid it down so he was hid in it, just like when we were 17.

He struggled a bit but finally his head emerged through the neck opening. It was a very baggy shirt, and he was very small, so he fit in every hole in my sweaters.

“This is one of the best feelings in the world. I can feel your body heat, and if I snuggle myself just right, I fit perfectly.”

“You always fit perfectly”

“Well not always always, I mean remember when I tried to top y-”

“Yeah don’t ever speak of that disaster again”

He twisted his head and kissed me softly, whispering a few ‘I love yous’

“Toe won’t play with meee” Noah whined then stopped. He saw us in one sweater and I knew he was going to be confused as hell. That kid was more like Evan than he was like me.

“Is dad out of shits?”

“Shirts Noah, shirts”

“Thas what I said” he squeaked. His voice was so high it was hilarious to listen to him speak.

“Dad has shirts, but dad loves daddy’s shirts more and you know,” Evan stopped and then he and Noah spoke at the same time:

“Sharing is caring”

Though Noah’s sounded nothing like those words.

“I want to wear your sweater too daddy” Noah said and tugged against my leg.

“You can if you reach it” I teased him, but I knew he wouldn’t reach it. He got mad and trudged and plumped down next to the fireplace, a frown decorating his soft face.

Evan slipped out of my shirt, and then slid it off me before sneaking behind Noah, and putting the sweater on him. He nuzzled himself into it as if it was the warmest blanket ever. Meanwhile, I was a few minutes away from hypothermia.

“My time to snug” Evan said and jumped on my back. I crashed softly to the thick carpeted floor, with Evan wrapped around me, literally. Then Noah came and sat in my lap.

Then and there I knew I didn’t need clothes or fire to be warm.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this winter Special! If you liked it and liked the story you can check my other stories they're equally great if not better. Wish you all the best x

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