XIX: Being kidnapped and fear that is trapped

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            I was awake. I knew I was awake but how come there was only darkness ahead? Something soft. Yes. Like a handkerchief.

            I could speak. Yes, I remembered that. I was not mute. But why couldn’t I open my mouth to speak? Something was hindering me to do so. It was sealed shut. With… With a tape. That was it. A tape.

            What happened anyway? Was there an accident? A car crash? Was I dead? My mind was still hazy. I couldn’t even—


            There was something about cupcakes that I remember.


            I was supposed to buy a Christmas gift for Blake. And when I did find one, I hurried off to my car. Then I forgot to buy a box of cupcakes from that really famous store. But someone stopped me from going into that store. I think I was being kidnapped. I still was.

            I didn’t talk. I didn’t make a move. I figured that if I wanted to know where I was being taken, I had to be observant about the things around me. Visionless or not.

            I was sitting on the floor and I felt the loud thunk of metal. I might be inside a delivery truck or a van. Considering the warmness, it was the latter.

            “Should we take off this girl’s blindfold?” A rough voice said in front of me.

            “I don’t think so. Something bad might happen if we do,” someone beside me replied.

            Rough one snorted. “What else is gonna happen? She’s probably in the worst case scenario there is.”

            “The worst case scenario is finding yourself dying. I don’t think there’s anything worse than that and this girl here is not gonna die.”

            That didn’t make me feel any better. Though, I was entertained by these two’s conversation.

            “We were just paid to kidnap her, not to kill her.”

            “Perfect. Because I couldn’t kill anybody.”

            They sounded like they were only a few years older than me.

            “I still think we should take her blindfold off. You don’t think she’s awake, do you?”

            “If she was awake then she should’ve been thrashing around all this time.”

            “Fair point.”

            I was amused. I hoped that they were harmless the way they sounded.

            “Where are we taking this anyway?”

            “Just somewhere out of D.C. It’s secluded so we shouldn’t be worried about anyone getting a hold of her.”

            “I just want to get my money. If we have the slightest chance to get into a mess with the police, I’m out. I’m f*cking out, man.”

            “I’m desperate. I’ll do everything for this money.”

            “What does the boss have against this girl anyway?”

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