XXI: Five coats and a mother who gloats

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            The next morning, I woke up with a headache and a runny nose—in which snot was slowly moving downward. I didn’t bother to breathe it back in as I stood at the edge of the bed and started walking. I vaguely remembered what happened last night when I was brought back home. I saw my parents. They hugged me. They scolded me. They grounded me. They told me to sleep. I did.

            But that didn’t explain why I was wearing five coats. I probably looked like Incredible Hulk. Just without the incredibility and the green skin. Did I ransack a coat emporium? Did I steal these? Was I even awake?

            “Oh, you’re up.”

            I turned begrudgingly, blinking my eyes to see clearly. “Who are you?”

            The voice laughed too brightly. “It’s me, Blake.”

            “Who the hell?”

            “Your bodyguard. The one who saved you from your kidnappers which happened yesterday.”

            My eyebrows shot up in realization. “Oh, that Blake.” Why was he even inside my room? Maybe this wasn’t my room.

            “So you know another Blake, huh? What’s he like?”

            I yawned widely. “Don’t know, don’t care.”

            “What a conversation this is. I think you’re not yet fully awake. Now, why are you suddenly up? It’s only 6 am.”

            “My head hurts. I need aspirin.” 6 am? I shouldn’t have woken up this early. This headache better be worth it.

            I heard a chair move on the carpet. “Just sit. I’ll get it for you.” Then, the door closing filled my ears.

            Struggling to walk with a few coats on, I slumped back on the bed. It was hot. Sweating before going back to sleep was the last thing I wanted to do. And these coats were the reason for my excretion of sweat. I tugged the first one off, then the second, then the third, then the fourth and then the last. The refreshing cold air finally met my skin. Now, I could go back to sleep. I stretched my body just like how cats do and pulled a pillow close to me.

            Sleep hadn’t dragged me to its heaven yet because I still heard the door open and close.

            “Amber, I got you the aspirin.”

            “Mm.” I didn’t want to answer a complete thought. It was tiring to sit up and open my eyes. Much more if I even drink medicine.

            “Come on. Get up,” Blake urged me. He never really got the concept of me wanting to sleep deeply.

            I groaned once more.

            He sighed. “If you’re this difficult, then why did you get up earlier telling me you have a headache?”


            “What ‘no’? Come on. I’ll help you up,” he said, tugging my arm gently. “If you drink this medicine, chances are you will sleep more blissfully. It will take you under the deepest of dreams.”

            I knew what he was playing. I wanted this sleep more than I wanted him. Well, not really but at this moment, it was really important. And…he was winning.

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