Chapter 1

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He leaned back to look at the profile he just created and took a big breath because his anxiety was ready to hit the roof. The truth was, he was still unsure about what he was doing because the internet was filled with all type of people and he didn't think he could handle harsh words online too; but this was a safe place, Tae told him so and he believed him, even if they weren't the same.

Jimin always knew he was a bit different than other people. He's been spoiled at home, spoiled by his friends and his childlike nature was always encouraged but he knew most people didn't understand how he really felt. Sometimes, he felt like life was too hard for him and he preferred spending time inside and watching cartoons instead of going out and meeting new people. He thought he was the only one feeling like this until he told Taehyung and he suggested searching it online; a few weeks later he came to the conclusion he was a little, even if he wasn't sure he could ever be like that around anyone. The prospect sounded amazing - feeling so carefree and having someone to take care of you and accept you as you are but he seriously doubted someone was going to put up with it.

One of the reasons why he barely had a relationship before was the fact that everyone was telling him he was too clingy and he wanted too much attention and he decided it was better alone than judged and told off. He started his first year of college perfectly but loneliness made its appearance now that his friends dispersed through the country and he thought that he could try something new. So here he was, making an account on a site called He looked towards his door, anxious because he didn't want his flatmate to see what he was up to and then went to grab his light blue blanket and put on his shoulders, as if he was trying to hide from the consequences. He clicked on the name and changed it from Jimin to Chim Chim. He didn't like that it demanded a photo of yourself because he didn't think anyone would be interested in him and his looks. He gulped and after 5 minutes of nothing, closed the page and began to work on a project he had to send until Friday evening.

He heard talking so he suspected Yoongi was back with a friend, glad that he took the pizza leftovers in his room so he wouldn't need to go out and greet everyone. It was one of those days but studying made him focus on something and forget about the pressure he felt. He liked talking to Yoongi or Tae after a long day but they were both unavailable so after he concluded the project he decided he was going to proofread it the next day, after he was done with the courses.

To: TaeTae
I'm gonna sleep, talk tomorrow x

His mind began to wander to the time when he first realised he was gay but chased the thoughts away because it wasn't a time he wanted to relive.

In the morning he did his best to be quiet while he was preparing to leave for college and left before Yoongi woke up, which was better because he had no idea if his friend stood over the night or not and soon he was taking the metro. He was the first in the hall, he was there even before the teacher's assistant and that was rather embarrassing so as his mates began to appear he took his phone out and focused on nothing in particular so he would ignore the long gazes. The internet was on so he saw he had a notification, his cheeks heating when he realised it was from that site. He had a good half an hour until the course would begin so he tapped on the screen, wanting to check it right then. Hopefully, it wasn't a dick pic.

It was from a profile called DaddyKook.

Hello, beautiful! I saw your profile and it seems we have a few things in common. Would you be interested in talking? PS: Pink looks adorable on you!

He was a lot more polite than he expected and he seemed to like his hair but the first thing he did was to check his profile and his mouth almost dropped because it was nothing like he expected. He thought they were mostly old men there but DaddyKook couldn't have been more than 25 and he looked like a model, even if he was barely smiling in the photo. He was living in Seoul too. He didn't want to hurry so he put the phone aside and concentrated on the lecture and the other courses, completely forgetting about it.

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