Chapter 28

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Jungkook's heart was beating like a drum under his fingertips and Jimin moved his head lower, closing his eyes as the soothing voice filled the room. It was cold and they've been snuggling under the covers all afternoon until the younger demanded to hear a story. Jungkook bought him a novel called "Roverandom", it was about a dog that has been turned into a toy and he was now looking for the wizard who changed him; the book put him into headspace and he's been really curious about what would happen next so he was happy his Daddy was patient enough and accepted to read the continuation to him. Rover was on the moon when the boy began yawning and the brown haired man put the book aside, pressing his lips against his baby's forehead.


"Comfortable." Long fingers began to draw patterns on his upper back and Jimin exhaled, closing his eyes.

"You've been little a lot lately." It was just a remark but it made the younger get up immediately and stare into chocolate orbs, his stomach dropping. The tension was obvious, Jungkook could read him like an open book, and soon a large hand was cupping his cheek. "Daddy isn't mad, baby. Minnie can be as little as he wants."

"I- I can be big. I will -" He was stopped by Jungkook's soft lips pressing against his. The kiss was chaste and short and it was supposed to make the frown go away from the younger's beautiful face; the man never meant it like that, he wasn't trying to imply anything when he said what he said, it was merely a remark.

"I love big and little Jiminie just as much, you never have to worry about it; but you tend to be little when you're going through stressful times and I was wondering if there's something wrong." The blond shook his head and bit his lower lip, looking away. He was thinking about something so Jungkook waited patiently, knowing his baby needed time to find his words - they had to be the right ones.

"I -" A small pause. "We're going to spend Christmas together, right?" He was still too shy to look into his lover's eyes but he was forced to do so.

"Of course we will. Don't you want to?"

"I wanna- I want!" Another soft kiss was pressed on the tip of his nose.

"Where do you think I would spend Christmas if not here with you?" Jimin moved so he was sitting on his lap and he was very tempted to bury his head into the man's shoulder but he knew the latter wanted to look him in the eye while they were talking.

"Minnie spent last Christmas alone." It was a whisper and Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around the small body in front of him, his eyebrow furrowing. "Mom didn't want Jiminie home and Tae was not here." Their foreheads pressed together and the older exhaled loudly.

"Were you feeling little, baby?" A short nod tugged at the man's heart.

"I didn't know Daddy so I was very lonely." The blond confessed and felt a small peck placed on his cheek.

"But Daddy has you now, sweets, and he wants to spend every day with you." He could imagine how hard that must have been - how the anxiety probably didn't allow the boy to rest or to think straight. It was normal for him to feel anxious around that time of the year, no one should spend Christmas like that. "We'll get a big Christmas tree and decorate the entire place." Jimin finally allowed himself to press his body against the other's, his face hidden in the plain white shirt. "We'll prepare hot chocolate with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles and we will have tons of fun."

"Promise?" The voice was small and Jungkook couldn't keep himself from tightening the hug.

"I promise." They spent a few minutes like that before Jimin straightened his back and smiled sadly at his boyfriend.

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