Chapter 30

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His lips quirked upwards when his eyes fell on the simple white gold band that was resting on his finger. He sometimes wondered if this was reality or if the last five years have been all a dream – he didn’t want to wake up if that was the case. Fat snowflakes were falling from the sky and he took the time to watch them a bit, knowing how happy his Jiminie probably was because of them; his phone buzzed and he chuckled when he saw the message he just received.

From: Jiminie 
Snow!! <3

He told him that he will be home as soon as possible and returned to work, ignoring Hoseok’s shit-eating grin. His friend has been constantly teasing him about how shocking it was to see him in such high spirits at all times but in reality the entire group was happy for them. He didn’t tell anyone when he decided he was going to propose – mostly because he wanted to do this entirely on his own and not to be influenced by other people’s advice. At first he thought that maybe something very romantic was the best but as soon as they had dinner in that fancy restaurant he booked a table in a month ahead, he found himself being too nervous. He didn’t want to make this special event public, he was sure Jimin would feel uncomfortable and he wasn’t going to pressure him into giving a positive answer. After that, he turned into a coward and postponed the proposal as much as he could.

Until one morning.

It was a lazy Sunday, they didn’t bother to get out of the bed before 11 and that happened only because their stomachs were growling with need. Jimin went make pancakes because it became a sort of tradition by then and Jungkook followed quickly afterwards, trying to tame his bed hair that was all over the place.

“You can stay in bed until the breakfast is done.” Arms wrapped around his middle and a head leaned on his shoulder, eyes closing.

“No.” Jungkook was such a baby in the morning; it made Jimin giggle.

“Go and sit at the table or we’re both going to get hurt.” He did as he was told but not before grabbing the orange juice from the fridge. He selected a playlist for them and watched amused as his boyfriend began to wiggle his ass in front of him, some lyrics escaping his mouth. He was adorable and when he realised he was watched his cheeks coloured a pretty baby pink and a squeaky laughter filled the room, causing a bunny grin to appear. That was the loveliest sound on earth. He was whipped – even if almost 5 years have passed, he was still head over heels for the sweet boy he called his own. “What?”


“You’re staring, Kookie.” The grin got wider.

“Do I?” Jimin nodded. “It’s because I want a kiss.” The blond hurried over and decided to take a seat on his boyfriend’s lap before crushing their mouths together, tongues tangling lazily. A hand sneaked under his shirt and was now drawing patterns on his warm back, resting on his lower spine after a while. Jimin rested his head in the crook of his neck, trying to regain his breath and to simultaneously stop being flustered. “You shouldn’t be allowed to be so cute, you’ll be the death of me.”

“Shuddup.” The man could hear the pout so he kissed the boy’s forehead.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” He would have protested if the blond wouldn’t have nuzzled his nose, a soft peck landing on his lips.

“Marry me.” Jungkook blurted the words out before he could fully process them and froze when he heard a low giggle. Jimin tensed a bit when he first heard what he’s been told but immediately decided it was a joke – it couldn’t be for real, right? When he pulled away and saw how red his boyfriend’s face was, realisation hit him and his heart began its attempts to run out of his ribcage. He opened his eyes but couldn’t evoke any sound, instead he watched as Jungkook’s panic vanished. A shy smile played on his lips. “Marry me.”

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