Chapter 15

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The place was crowded with people and he had to take a big breath before he stepped forward, asking himself why couldn’t Tae want to become an architect like he did? He decided it was a silly question so he made his way to the building where he knew he needed to pick the plan and schedule of this semester from and smiled shyly when he saw the many people who were admiring his tan. The holiday passed way too fast and he dreaded the idea of having to start the second year but he could say it’s been the happiest summer he could remember. Jihyun came to visit when they came back from Spain and after that he spent almost every day at Jungkook’s place, trying his best to be useful and trying all kind of new things – like cooking which ended up being a complete disaster. The lady smiled compassionately at him when she handed the papers and he hurried to thank before he stuffed it in his backpack and headed for the yard. It was sunny and way too hot for an autumn day and all he could think about was that he needed to go to Taetae’s college because they were supposed to spend the afternoon together. He checked his phone and smiled at Jungkook’s message before answering and walking to the bus stop. 

Taehyung was surrounded by friends, as expected, so he messaged him to come to where he was, too nervous to face all those people. He’s been home for the holiday so it was the first time they saw each other in weeks and the brown haired boy jumped on him, pulling him in a tight and long hug. 

“Jiminie!” The enthusiasm was contagious so Jimin burst into laughter, feeling fingers brushing through his hair. “You’re looking... Bomb.” He shook his head and let go. 

“What do you want us to do this evening?” 

“Shopping and boys talk.” By boys talk he meant wanting to know everything about the blond and Jungkook, including their sex life but he accepted, because he missed his best friend so much. The details were present and after lunch they ended up in a library where Jimin began to look through the comics as he saw they had Iron Man and that remind him of his boyfriend. He saw one magazine that looked brand new and asked about it; when he found out it was a brand new starting series he bought it immediately and asked if he could have it wrapped. He picked a wrapping paper with puppies and was watching the whole process when he heard: 

“Jimin?” He turned around confused and paled when he saw it was his ex boyfriend staring at him with a cheeky smile. “I almost didn’t recognize you! You look so hot now, I’m glad you lost the pink!” He wasn’t sure how to react so he smiled and thanked him just in time for the seller to offer him the gift. Minjun studied it before continuing. “As childish as I remember.”  

The boy’s insides turned upside down at the word. Jungkook would never tell him something like this, he would never interpret his interests as silly or childish and it was so painful to hear this from a person who hurt him so bad in the past. 

“It’s actually for my boyfriend.” He answered and the other widened his eyes, incredulous. “Bye!” He searched for Tae, knowing he will find him in the horror/thriller section and told him they needed to get out as soon as possible. It spoiled his mood a bit but his friend seemed even more affected and it lasted a good half an hour for him to calm down. 

“That asshole!” He groaned after sipping on his strawberry smoothie. “I bet he wished he had another chance with you.” Jimin shrugged and opened his phone to see he had a few messages from Jungkook that were saying he was soon done with work and he could pick them both up if they wanted. It was far from where he was working but he was willing to drive all the way there, impatient to see Jimin who welcomed him with a warm hug. The man bought them “good luck gifts” for the second year and Tae was very happy to see his was a video game he longed for in the last few months. Jimin didn’t open his, still a bit melancholic after the whole day and the package remained untouched on his lap even after his friend was dropped off at his place. Jungkook didn’t mind that but it was obvious something was on his boyfriend’s mind. 

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