Chapter 29

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A hand sneaked around his middle as he entered the car and Jimin turned to smile lovingly at his overprotective boyfriend. He was alright, it has been an entire week ever since he left the hospital and here they were – ready for a four hour trip to Busan. It was rather convenient that they’ve been both born in the same city because they planned on visiting Jungkook’s mother too, even if the man’s brother and girlfriend were going to be around.

“Safety belt on, baby.” The words made him come back to reality of it and he smiled, doing what he’s been told. Inside the car was warm and the blond was the one to pick the music, the songs being a very important aspect of the trip. He chose a foreign Christmas carol and began to hum along with it, making Jungkook flash a loving grin. “We’re going to get there in no time.” Jimin was quiet and there could be only one reason for that. “You have nothing to be nervous about, sweets.” He sighed.

“It’s just... it has been a really long time, that’s all.” His small hand was grabbed by a larger one and soon lips were pressed against his skin. Jungkook knew that but he also knew that Jihyun was going to be there and that he was going to make sure that no one would say hurtful things to his boyfriend. Jimin has been going through a lot in the past few months and the insecurities they were facing on a daily basis made Jungkook even more protective, if that was possible. No one in this world was allowed to put his perfect boy down, not even his parents.

“I’m going to be right next to you.”

“I know. I can’t wait to show you my room.” The brothers initially shared a room but as time passed by, the Parks realised that Jimin needed more space for himself, more silence so he could focus on his studies, so they turned the guest room into his bedroom. “And you’re gonna properly meet dad.” Properly – that was the right choice of words because he has already seen the man the last time he visited.

“Are you going to be alright with not being able to act little?” That has been on the man’s mind ever since they decided on skipping town. An unsure nod. “Kookie and Daddy are the same person, baby bird.” He knew that, he knew he was going to be safe but he was also afraid he was going to crack under the pressure. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

They stopped just once, for gas and so they could use the toilet and buy some snacks. Jimin stuck with strawberry flavoured drinking yogurt and refused everything else he’s been offered, much to his boyfriend’s worry. Jungkook knew Busan pretty well so it wasn’t hard for him to find the address and the sky was pitch black when they got out of the car and grabbed their bags. They had presents too but those had to wait a couple of days more. Their fingers linked and Jimin knocked on the dark-coloured door, grinning when he heard hurried steps.

Jihyun’s face must have been hurting because of the huge grin he was displaying but they didn’t get the chance to ask because he jumped and hugged them both at once, mumbling happily about how he’s waited for them all day long. He seemed just a tiny bit taller and he clung on Jimin like a koala as they stepped inside, discharging their shoes. Jungkook straightened his back when he heard another pair of feet thumping against the carpeted floor.

Mrs. Park came to greet them, a cute apron covering her front.

“Jihyun, could you help them upstairs?” It was nothing she was particularly agreeing with – her son was still very young and she didn’t like that he was going to be staying in the same room with the man he was dating but at the same she knew it was a silly thought. They were living together, for God’s sake.

“Got it!” The boy said and they followed him towards the staircase and to the first floor. “Here’s my room, I still have the overlapped beds we used when Jimin and I roomed together.” They stopped in front of the last door on the left side and when it opened, Jungkook’s eyes widened, trying to take in all the information. It was rather neat, it was obvious no one lived there anymore, but spirited because there were posters stuck around and the shelves were colourful because of the many books and figurines. He spotted a collection of little glass animals and many many wooden models of famous buildings. He wondered how many secrets this room held, how many times it has seen Jimin cry and laugh, how many sleepovers had been thrown in it. The bed was small but not small enough to cause them troubles and Jungkook dropped the bags, shyly looking around, fascination painted all over his face.

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