Chapter 4

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He looked outside the window and sighed because it was too crowded for him to travel with the subway but he had no choice because what he was looking for was on the other side of the town. He looked over to see Taehyung was playing on his phone so he began counting the stations until they would arrive. He was supposed to draw a building of his teacher's choice and it just happened his was an hour away from the place where he was living and it was an ordeal to have to travel there every day for the next couple of weeks. He was going to try and take some pictures and work with them but he wasn't sure that would be alright because he did a lot better when he could stare at the real thing.

"So are you going to tell me about him or not?" Tae asked as he tucked his phone in his jeans. Jimin felt his cheeks heating and shifted in his seat. "By the way your neck looks he must be a horny one."

"Tae!" He gasped and got redder.

"What? You look like you've been bitten by a shark!" He hadn't realised how many hickeys he's got until the next day, when he had to dress for college and found nothing that could cover that enormity of violet.

"He likes neck kisses."

"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. So he's treating you well? Is he kinky?" Jimin nodded. "Yes to the first question or the second?"

"Both." Well, they hadn't done anything kinkier than that handjob two days ago but he was sure other things will follow and he could only shiver at the thought of something more intense. "You know I don't kiss and tell."

"That's no fuuuun, I wanted to know." The other whined but that didn't change his friend's mind. They agreed he was very hot but that was all that he was willing to share, too flustered to get into any details. On top of that, he was sure Jungkook wouldn't agree either and he didn't want to upset him over such a trivial matter.

Taehyung decided to come with him so they could spend some more time together as Jimin has been pretty busy with his Daddy and as soon as he spotted the building his mouth gaped. It had a pretty complicated exterior so they grabbed drinks from the closest coffee shop and began working. Tae was in charge with the pictures while Jimin sat down and began drawing the walls vaguely. He's always been good at drawing, ever since he was a child so that was a helper when it came to this kind of projects. Working with his friend was always fun because he was 50% distracted by the things he said or the question he'd ask because he was not the kind to sit quietly beside him. In the end, he obtained some information about the new relationship and he felt so proud that he offered to buy iced-tea for the both of them.

"There's this movie I want to see with him." He mumbled as they looked for a bench in the park where they decided to rest after a few good hours of work.

"What movie?"

"Adventure Time." Jimin felt silly whenever he had such a childish craving and he was unsure he would ever ask Jungkook to go with him.

"I bet he'd love to go with you." A kind smile accompanied the words and the pink-haired boy sipped from his cup.

"Do you think so?"

"Of course" Tae was an angel. They blabbered about a lot of things until Jimin's phone vibrated and he knew right away who it was.

From: Daddy

Dinner sounded good but he omitted to say he was with his friend and he couldn't just forget about him.

To: Daddy
I'm with Taehyung, still in C-

From: Daddy
Tell me the place, I'll pick you up.

He sighed - Jungkook could really be insistent when he wanted something but it made Jimin happy to know that he would go so far just to see him.

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