Chapter 18

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“So you moved, Jihyun told me so.” His father’s voice was bland, far from what the boy was expecting. “Have you moved in with that boy?” He gulped before he whispered a “yes” and Mr. Park continued the conversation as if he expected this to happen. It still felt weird to talk with his dad about his relationship, even if he understood that he no longer had anything against it but he was hoping that he will be able not to fear expressing his feelings in the future. His mother was still as reluctant as ever but he always asked how she was, his heart dropping at the monotone answers.

“I should go now –” Jimin said after a while, looking around at the many boxes that were waiting to be opened.

“Work hard at school! Good night!”

“Good night!” He smiled, even if it didn’t reach his eyes and then touched the red dot, placing the phone almost carefully on the carpet where he was sitting, his legs under himself. He suddenly felt empty.

One month was how much it took them to find a reasonable place to rent. As Jimin didn’t accept for Jungkook to pay his part, they needed to be careful with the price but it also had to meet their needs – from having a large bathroom, which was the elder’s request, to being close to a subway station. The flat was smaller than the one Jungkook lived in before but big enough to fit all their things and to satisfy them; it was a huge step and they both knew it so the day they actually moved in they were both feeling like nervous teenagers, from the moment they discharged their jackets and hung them in the hall.

Jungkook decided it was time for dinner when Jimin received the call so he gave his boyfriend privacy and began preparing the sauce for pasta because that was what they were going to have. It was not fancy enough for their first dinner in their new place but he was going to do his best to make it tasty. He had to unpack a few boxes to find the plates and cutlery and after he got everything ready he headed to the living room where the blond was placing books on shelves, deepened in thoughts. He cleared his throat but got no reaction so he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around the other’s body, trapping him in a tight back hug.

“Dinner’s ready.” He murmured against blond strands and kissed them when he felt a long exhale. Jimin relaxed against him and smiled because it felt so good to know he would always have Kookie to talk to and hold him whenever he felt down. “Is everything fine?” The boy nodded and turned around to press his lips against the other’s before his stomach began to grumble. “Let’s feed Baby.” The younger giggled, his earlier mood lifted and soon they were enjoying their meal.

It didn’t feel out of the ordinary, on the contrary – it was natural and serene; they would have wanted to christen their brand new bed (one of the few new things) but they were both crushed after a busy day so after they changed into nightwear, which for Jimin was one of Jungkook’s shirts and short pants, they snuggled in bed. Jungkook was still going through his phone when a light coloured head nested on his chest and he put it aside, wrapping the arm around the little frame resting on top of him.

“We’re already falling into monotony.” Jungkook whispered teasingly and Jimin moaned in disapproval. A few seconds passed before the brown haired man heard a low murmur:

“What if you get bored of me?” The manner of talking was childish but equally adorable so Jungkook shifted so he could kiss the tempting lips that were displayed just a few centimetres below.

“I will never get bored of you.” He whispered. “I love you too much.” Jimin grinned and pressed a soft peck against the other’s corner of the mouth and pushed him down so he could recreate the previous position.

“Love you too.” They weren’t saying these words frequently because they felt like they didn’t want to take them easily but right then they felt like a vow. They needed this to end the night properly and before Jungkook realised, he heard regular breathing and he smiled because he couldn’t imagine being happier.

where you belongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora