Chapter 11

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Jungkook was sent away like he was a stray dog who followed Jimin all the way to his block so he would get a slice of bread. If there weren’t for the surprise guests he would have gave his boyfriend a piece of his mind, telling him exactly how he felt in the moment when he was told “Please leave”. He could understand that his parents weren’t acceptant of his sexual orientation but that didn’t mean he could be dismissed in such a brutal manner; it wasn’t like he was intending to jump on the boy and make out with him when everyone else was watching. The lack of trust annoyed him, he sometimes thought that Jimin didn’t love him as much as he said, or better said he didn’t know how to do so. Whiskey was not fit for this time of the day so he drove around the city until he calmed down and decided he could pay a visit to Jin who was working.

Jimin's father did not plan on visiting and he made it clear ever since the beginning.

“Ever since he heard your exams were over Jihyun couldn’t shut up about wanting to visit you.” His mother didn’t come, the reasons obvious. She couldn’t look him in the eye, her mind set on the idea that he has been cursed in the worst way possible. Jimin smiled sadly and poured the tea in colorful cups.

“Can I see your bedroom, Hyung?” Jihyun half shouted and his brother chuckled.

“Of course, I’ll show you my projects too.” An impressed gasp could be heard, amusing the student further. “You’re staying the night? Yoongi already left and I am sure he wouldn’t –“

“Yes, Daddy, let’s stay!” Jimin choked on his tea at the pet name and Jihyun regarded him worried, ready to jump off the chair and pat his back. “Are you alright?” He nodded. It was nothing weird, the kid was just trying to sweeten his request.

“I don’t know about that.” Mr. Park sighed.

“I need to use the bathroom.”

“It’s the last one on the left.” Jimin explained and his baby brother was gone, leaving a cold silence fill the room. The boy had nothing to say, he didn’t know if he was allowed to talk anymore so a shiver crawled down his spine when his father sighed.

“Is that man your ...” Yes, he definitely was so he nodded.


“Jungkook.” The man repeated, tasting every syllable like it was alien. His eyes were making holes in his white socks and his mind was running wild with the many things he wanted to say but didn’t know how. He was tired of fighting his own son, the truth was: he felt relief when he saw Jimin's grades, taking in consideration the idea that maybe, just maybe, being homosexual didn’t entirely change his child. He didn’t want to think further – he didn’t care about his partner a lot as long as they were getting along, it wasn’t like they could make grandchildren. He sometimes wondered what they did wrong because he’s always been such a good kid but of one things he was sure of: not talking to his son was tiring and at his age he couldn’t allow it anymore. His wife wasn’t as pacifistic as he was but Jihyun shouldn’t grow up without the love of his brother and that was the whole point of this visit. “Is he treating you well?” He feared that the boys like that were dangerous, good for nothing.

“Y-yes.” Jimin stuttered, surprised by the question.

“Good.” Another pregnant pause. “Your mother doesn’t want you home.” God, did those words hurt him but he simply smiled sadly and nodded. “I am glad you’re well and studying hard. I cannot stay but I think Jihyun will love to spend a couple of days with you.”

Jimin's eyes widened. Did his father really mean...? He knew that would cause a huge fight but whenever those happen, his mother would yell and his father would shut up and ignore her, insensible to the mean comments. All he wanted was for the kids to get along and the younger would judge for himself if he wanted to accept his brother or not.

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