Chapter 24

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A loud noise was heard from the kitchen and Jin put everything he was holding down before almost running to the in that direction, knowing his husband was the cause of the commotion.

“Kookie, would you please come with me?” The brown-haired man immediately followed, flashing Jimin a wide smile before doing so, knowing he was safe around Hoseok. There was no way they wouldn’t get along because Hobi was the most optimistic person he knew and he could befriend people effortless.

As soon as they were alone at the bar Jimin noticed a familiar song was playing in the background but all that his brain could focus on was the fact that the man who pulled him off the train tracks was right in front of him, the same heart-shaped smile on his face. His hair was reddish, his forehead covered by bangs and his cheekbones were high, small dimples giving him a cute touch. By the way he was regarding the blond it was clear he recognised him but the younger was the first one to speak.

“Please don’t tell Jungkook about what happened.” Hobi’s eyes widened at the realisation that the man had no idea about what his boyfriend was going through.

“I won’t but on one condition.” Jimin seemed alarmed, almost frightened, so the man smiled. “You have to promise me you’ll never try to hurt yourself again.” The blond nodded hesitantly. Why would a stranger care for his well-being? He was Jungkook’s friend but still...

“I wasn’t trying to –” He stopped mid-sentence because the door opened but Hoseok seemed to understand what he meant. He would have never ended his life, he was not himself when they first met and he already swore to never try anything like that again. When Jungkook took his seat between them, he raised a brow at the unusual tension and silence and wrapped an arm around Jimin’s shoulders, trying to comfort him. “Is Namjoon alright?”

“He cut his hand, Jin is bandaging him.” The blond giggled thinking about the clumsiness of the host and the others smiled at the sound. Strangely enough, all the worry evaporated – a voice inside his head whispered to him that Hobi wouldn’t intrude and wouldn’t hurt him on purpose.

“Now I understand why you can’t shut up about him.” The man said teasingly and Jungkook pouted before kissing the pale hair and gently rubbing the boy’s shoulder. He knew his boyfriend was a masterpiece, he just wished that one day he’d see all that himself.

A couple of hours into the party Jimin began to really like Hoseok. The man was like a ray of sunshine, he was high-spirited and always making the others laugh, which was an amazing thing to watch. He wished he would be so outgoing, so brave and whenever he received some sort of special attention from the man his smile would widen. He felt safe around Jungkook’s friends – Jin and Namjoon were ever so supportive and Hoseok was just the cherry on top of the cake. He exchanged numbers with Hobi when the latter told him he wanted to go shopping the following day and he needed some advice and they planned on meeting, which sounded like a great opportunity to talk things through.

He was seated on Jungkook’s lap and listening to one of Jin’s stories when someone approached them and his attention turned towards the new figure, finding a brown-haired girl who was looking straight at him. He felt his boyfriend’s arm tighten around his middle when his body tensed, his name vibrating through the air. She seemed young – maybe younger than him – and she was dressed in a pair of pale pink jeans and a large white shirt, a purple velvety choker around her neck. Jimin’s eyebrows arched – he had no idea who she was and why she called his name.

“My name is Suran.” She seemed a bit shy but the blond had no idea how to make the awkwardness better. “I – I’m a little too and I thought it would be nice if we’d uhm... talk.” Oh. No one seemed to be weirded out by the proposal and he felt a small kiss pressed on the nape of his neck.

where you belongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora