Chapter 13

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The sand was cold under his naked feed and he looked over at Jungkook who was holding his slippers in his free hand. The sky was full of stars and they were looking for a place to sit, though he could spend days with waves crushing at his feet. Everything was silent, the sea covering the laughter of people in bars and in restaurants and he couldn’t feel more serene, he couldn’t remember ever feeling like this. They came for the twilight and after they enjoyed the water a bit they had dinner in a very nice bistro where coincidentally, there were couples everywhere and now they decided to take a walk before returning to their hotel.

“There are some sunbeds over there.” Jungkook pointed but it was too far for Jimin’s taste and the frown wasn’t missed by the brown haired man who chuckled. “Do you want to sit on the sand?”

“Yes.” He could understand that maybe his boyfriend didn’t want to destroy his super expensive short pants so he quickly added: “We can sit there if you want.” It was because of Jungkook that they were here in the first place so he shouldn’t be allowed to be demure about such things. He didn’t get a reply but he understood the idea once they passed the lounges and went closer to the sea. They sat down in a place where water could brush over the sole of their feet and Jimin shyly leaned on the taller man, admiring the beautiful sight in front of them.

“I don’t think I ever went on a holiday ever since I started working.” Jungkook mused. He was working a lot, he was sometimes working late hours, he even wrote some emails the previous night so there was no surprise in what he was saying. So he needed this just as much as Jimin did, to be away from Seoul and from everyone who knew them and to spend a few days together. They were staying for ten days and it was enough for the younger boy to see everything that he wished for and also for them to do “romantic” things. An arm wrapped around the smaller body and a kiss ended on a pink head. “I am happy.”


A silver cookie was dangling in front of his eyes and put it down as soon as he realised he was supposed to go and take a seat. Jungkook was sleeping in because they had a tiring night and they walked a lot the previous day but he had other plans so he left a note and left the building, heading for the nearest place that could meet his wishes. He explained with his limited English and by pointing at what he wanted and when the woman finally understood what he wanted she smiled brightly and said a word that he thought it meant “beautiful”. Having this done was always stressful, in fact he usually did it himself, in the privacy of his bathroom, but this was different and he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to look like a fool. He wasn’t sure what to think about the result so after he paid he went through a few more shops where he bought a few things for Jihyun he went back to the hotel, happy that he didn’t go further from it because he wasn’t sure he could have found the way back.

Jungkook woke up an hour earlier and after he spent half an hour sulking about the fact that he wanted to start the day in the same bed with his boyfriend he decided to take a shower and turn on his phone. He left the mobile down when he heard the door and he opened his mouth to comment about how lonely he has been but his jaw dropped instead when he saw Jimin’s head was... blond. He was wearing a white shirt so he looked almost angelic, eyes casted downwards when he felt the inspecting stare.

“Do you like it?” Browns searched for approval and Jungkook got off the bed and went closer, his fingers instinctively reaching for the light-coloured strands. Jimin looked up and closed his eyes only after his mouth was attacked by a hungry one and he felt an arm pulling him against a strong chest. He was left breathless so when they parted his face was somewhat pink and he buried it in the older man’s neck so he could hide.

“My kitten turned into a soft baby chick.” He grinned and the boy lowered his head further when he felt gentle caresses on his head. “I love it.” He praised and cupped Jimin’s head, forcing him to look up so he could kiss his lips one more time.

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